- Sino - foreign joint venture,cooperative and solely foreign owned enterprises with investment exceeding USD1million,100% town preserving part will be refunded to the enterprise. 中外合资、合作和外商独资企业投资超过100万美元的,镇留成部分100%25返还到企业。
- Lecturer Min Pu and Haiying Shi, from Marketing Department of School of Foreign Studies had been studying courses of joint program in South West University of TAFE, Australia. 2007年7月至8月,我校外国语学院国际市场营销专业教师蒲敏和史海英在澳大利亚泰福西南学院进行课程学习。
- Sino - foreign joint venture hospital 合资医院项目
- Guangdong Swire Cold Chain Logistics Co. Ltd. is a Sino Foreign JV company established between Guangdong Foodstuffs (GDF) and John Swire & Sons Pty Ltd. in June of 2008. 广东太古冷链物流有限公司是由澳洲太古股份有限公司和广东省食品进出口集团公司共同出资组建的一家中外合资企业,于二零零八年六月成立。
- In addition, it has established 180 Sino- foreign joint and cooperative ventures of various types. 建立各类中外合资、合作企业180家。
- In these applications user communities are working collaboratively on joint programs and activities. 在这些应用中,用户团体共同协作开发合作项目和活动。
- In addition,it has established 180 Sino- foreign joint and cooperative ventures of various types. 建立各类中外合资、合作企业180家。
- A minimum of 2 years experience in a foreign joint venture company, ideally a battery manufacturing company. 2年以外资企业工作经验,电池厂工作经验者优先。
- Since our inauguration in2001, our joint program has played a leading role in the Chinese education. (译文)2001年北京青年政治学院与加拿大泰尔弗国际商学院成立以来,我们为学生提供国际先进的的教育及管理理念和国际商务管理课程。
- In 2003 the establishment of foreign joint ventures, Main motorcycles and motorcycle engines, engine accessories. 2003年成立,外资合资企业,主营摩托车、摩托车发动机、发动机配件。
- On Sino Foreign Public Prosecution Umpirage System 中外公诉裁量制度初探
- To get the program back on track, NOAA, the DOD and NASA hired a new joint program manager. 为了让计画回到正轨,NOAA、国防部和NASA雇了一位新的计画整合经理。
- Sino foreign cooperation in running schools 中外合作办学
- A joint program -My Favorite Dish assumed by our school and St. Joan of Arc for China Central Audio-visual Education Program. 巴蜀小学与圣女贞德小学师生共同承担中国中央电教馆远程合作教育课题,课题名称:我最喜欢的一道菜。
- Translation: If the foreign joint venturer causes losses by deception through the intentional use of backward technology and equipment, he shall pay compensation for the losses. 外国合营者如果有意以落后的技术和设备进行欺骗,造成损失的,应赔偿损失。
- In 1988, Congress directed the Department of Defense (DOD) to establish a Joint Program Office for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and develop a master plan for military UAVs. 1988年,议会令防御部为为无人飞行器建立综合项目办公室,研究军用无人飞行器的全局计划。
- A foreign joint venturer shall be encouraged to deposit the foreign exchange in the Bank of China which is entitled to remit abroad. 鼓励外国合营者将可汇出的外汇存入中国银行。
- Mr Zhang, director of Joint Program Dept., from CCIEE came to ZZMS to negociate cooperation international programme in November, 2007. 2007年11月份中教国际教育交流中心张主任一行来我校洽谈国际课程项目。
- A foreign joint venturer shall be encouraged to deposit in the Bank of China the foreign exchange which it is entitled to remit abroad. 鼓励外国合营者将可汇出的外汇存入中国银行。