- In US Soviet relations, the Ford Administration continued with the policy of detente, while strengthening its attack on the Soviet Union in human rights and trade. 在美苏关系上,福特政府继续推行缓和政策,同时又在人权和贸易等方面加强了对苏攻势。
- Vietnam's nine-year-old Soviet-backed occupation of Kampuchea is a major obstacle to improved Soviet relations with Asia and rapprochement between the USSR and China. 越南在苏联支持下对柬埔寨长达九年的占领是推动苏联和亚洲各国关系以及中苏和睦的主要障碍。
- Sino - Soviet relations 中苏关系
- Germany began to attack the Soviet Union in1941. 德国在1941年开始进攻苏联。
- I look up and see the Soviet flag on the moon. 我抬头看见苏联的国旗在月球上飘扬。
- Relations were slow to normalize after the war. 战后国际正常关系恢复缓慢。
- A native or inhabitant of the Soviet Union. 苏联人苏联本地人或居民
- The two countries have severed their relations. 这两个国家已经断绝关系。
- They listened to his discourse on human relations. 他们听他作关于人际关系的演讲。
- Race relations is a sensitive issue. 种族关系是敏感的问题。
- Fifteen separate republics comprised the Soviet Union. 苏联由十五个加盟共和国组成。
- She has no relations besides an aged aunt. 她除了有一个年老的伯母以外,再没有亲戚了。
- Our relations with Japan needed a reappraisal. 我们与日本的关系需要重新作出评价。
- Our object is to further cement trade relations. 我们的目标是进一步加强贸易关系。
- The US and the former Soviet Union were co-signatories of/to the treaty. 美国和前苏联都是条约的签署国。
- Witness: Sino Rubber Electronic Exchange Co., Ltd. 见证方:中橡电子交易市场有限公司。
- She has shown a flair for public relations from the beginnings. 他从一开始就已经显露出从事公共关系工作的天赋。
- Chengdu Sino Microelectronics System Co., Ltd. 成都华微电子系统有限公司。
- Huizhou Sino Sharp Plastic Produces Ind. Ltd. 惠州华卓塑胶制品有限公司。