- A city of northern India near the Pakistan border south of Srinagar. 查谟印度北部城市,位于斯利那加南部的巴基斯坦边境附近。
- That day also saw a three-stage battle at Camp Salerno, an American base near the Pakistani border. 当天,暴徒在靠近巴基斯坦边境的CampSalerno美军基地发动了三次袭击。
- Among them are two Bangladeshi development workers in Ghazni province and two Turkish engineers hired to erect a communications tower near the Pakistani border in Khost province. 塔利班暴乱分子和犯罪团伙被控在近期连续从事杀害、绑架和袭击阿富汗人和外国人的活动。
- It's a huge, dusty base which sprawls across the southern plain, a short helicopter ride away from the caves that perforate the mountains along the Pakistani border. 它是一个巨大的多尘基地,蔓延在南部的平原之上,距离与巴基斯坦交界的山中洞穴很近,乘坐直升机一会儿就能到。
- A city of northwest India in the Thar Desert near the Pakistan border west-southwest of Delhi. 比卡内尔:印度西北部一城市,位于德里西南偏西巴基斯坦边境附近的塔尔沙漠上。
- The attack occurred outside Asadabad, the capital of the eastern province of Kunar near the Pakistani border, where Taliban and allied militants are known to operate. 袭击发生在靠近巴基斯坦边境的阿富汗东部省份库纳尔的首府阿萨达巴德城外。众所周知,塔利班成员以及与其结盟的武装分子就是在阿巴边境进行活动的。
- And in the last 18 months, U.S. officials say his Al Qaida has regrouped using safe havens along the Pakistani border to train and dispatch hundreds of new recruits. 在最近的18个月内,美国官员表示基地组织利用巴基斯坦边境地区这个避难所开始重新整编,训练和派遣新的成员。
- A city of northern India near the Pakistan border south of Srinagar. Formerly the seat of a Rajput dynasty, it was later captured by the Sikhs. Population,206, 135. 查谟印度北部城市,位于斯利那加南部的巴基斯坦边境附近。从前是拉其普特王朝的统治中心,后来被锡克人占领。人口206,135
- Officials say the attack began early in the morning in a remote area near the Pakistan border with militants firing machine guns, grenades and mortars. 官员表示此次攻击当天早上发生于巴基斯坦边界附近,武装份子手持机关枪,手榴弹及追击炮发动攻击。
- In the other incident at least four civilians were killed at the Pakistan border, and mortars fired by NATO troops fell short of their target. 另一事件,北约地面部队毫无目标地乱发炮弹,造成至少四个平民身亡巴基斯坦边境。
- A city of northern India near the Pakistan border south of Srinagar. Formerly the seat of a Rajput dynasty,it was later captured by the Sikhs. Population,206,135. 查谟印度北部城市,位于斯利那加南部的巴基斯坦边境附近。从前是拉其普特王朝的统治中心,后来被锡克人占领。人口206,135。
- President Barack Obama is planning to send additional U.S. troops to Afghanistan to battle insurgent threats and crumbling security along the Pakistan border. 美国总统奥巴马计划向阿富汗增兵,对抗暴徒威胁以及巴基斯坦边境岌岌可危的安全问题。
- A city of northwest India in the Thar Desert near the Pakistan border west-southwest of Delhi. It has several 'th-century Rajput palaces built of red sandstone. Population 253,74. 比卡内尔:印度西北部一城市,位于德里西南偏西巴基斯坦边境附近的塔尔沙漠上。有几座'世纪用红沙岩建造的拉其普特人的宫殿。人口253,74
- The situation has been complicated further by the influx of hardline and ideologically motivated fighters joining the Taliban and other insurgent groups from across the Pakistani border. 随着不断有意识形态动机的强硬武装分子加入塔利班以及有其他叛乱团伙越过巴基斯坦边境,局势变得更为复杂。
- Top rebel leaders are largely self-taught, though there is some talk of a clandestine training camp along the Pakistan border where the most promising fighters are taught combat skills by former Afghan Army experts. 叛乱分子的高级领导人大多数是自学出来的,虽然也有流传说沿巴基斯坦边界有个秘密的训练基地,在那儿最有培养前途的战士由过去曾在阿富汗陆军服役的专家传授作战技能。
- However, he said that some of al Qaeda members could be hiding in the tribal areas of Pakistan bordering on Afghanistan. 不过他表示,部份盖达成员可能藏匿在巴基斯坦接邻阿富汗的部落地区。
- One of the most troubling is its assessment that al Qaeda has managed to establish a safe haven in the tribal areas of Pakistan bordering Afghanistan. 最令人困扰的是基地组织已经成功在巴基斯坦-阿富汗交界处的部族地区建立了安全港。
- A series of provocations led up to the border war. 一系列的挑衅事件导致了边境战争的发生。
- He is on the way to Pakistan via the Silk Route. 他正经由丝绸之路在去巴基斯坦的旅途上。
- I lost a white handkerchief with a blue border. 我丢了一块带蓝色花边的白手绢。