- Many people worry that American family values seem to be on the decline. 许多人担心美国的家庭价值观似乎趋向衰退。
- Coexisting with such love in the American family are cultural values of self-reliance and independence. 和美国家庭的这种爱同时并存的是自强及独立的文化价值观。
- Great differences exist in Sino American postgraduate education. 中美研究生教育在许多方面存在着重大差异。
- The sino american trade friction cause the tension between the two government. 中美贸易摩擦导致两国关系的紧张。
- The debate moved from family values to the economy. 那辩论从家庭价值移到经济上来。
- Imparting family values is a long-term process. 灌输种种家庭观念是一个长期的过程。
- This particular story is about family values. 这个故事主要讲述了家庭观的问题。
- We always attach great importance to developing sino american trade on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. 我们一贯重视在平等互利的基础上发展中美贸易。
- Edgar Snow was very fond of his American family and friends. 埃德加·斯诺很爱他在美国的家人和朋友。
- Yes. Part time only. I was a driver for an American family. 是的,钟点工而已。两年前我给一个美国人家当司机。
- They can teach you a thing or two about family values. 他们可以给你讲一些有关家庭观念的事情。
- Conservative politicians in particular like to natter on about family values. 保守派的政客们尤其喜欢对家庭价值观谈个不休。
- In an American family, Christmas and the Fourth of July are gala days. 在美国人家里,圣诞节和七月四日是盛大的日子。
- It was partly the fraying of American families. 部分是美国家庭分崩离析。
- These shifts in family relationships may be interpreted as a breakdown or as an adaption of the American family to changing roles, attitudes and values. 家庭关系的这些变动可以解释为家庭关系的破裂,也可以解释为美国家庭对不断变化的角色、态度和价值的一种适应。
- The writer,a Harvard law professor,comes from a prominent American family. 作者是哈佛大学法学院博士,来自一个极具声望的美国家庭。
- "You Honor Us All." My mother made family values and pride tangible. 在妈妈看来,她描绘的成功蓝图的一个关键因素是教育。
- Nowadays, in many American families, both the husband and wife are bread- winner. 如今,在美国许多家庭中,夫妇双方都挣钱养家。
- A city that supposedly embraces family values booed like a legion of frauds. 一个本想生活的城市去把他当成一个骗子来嘘。
- The writer, a Harvard law professor, comes from a prominent American family. 作者是哈佛大学法学院博士,来自一个极具声望的美国家庭。