- Sino- Iran bilateral trade 中伊双边贸易
- The minister signed a bilateral trade agreement. 部长签署了一个双边协议。
- They have been negotiating a bilateral trade deal. 他们一直在商谈一项双边贸易协定。
- Our bilateral trade shows great promise for the future. 我们的双边贸易前景广阔。
- Bilateral trade has developed very rapidly but still had potential. 双边贸易发展很快,但仍有潜力。
- China's large bilateral trade surplus with America proves nothing. 中国大型双边贸易顺差合众国证明什么。
- We wish to offer you an opportunity to develop bilateral trade. 我们愿为发展双方贸易提供机会。
- The two countries signed an bilateral trade agreement on Tuesday. 两国于周二签署了一项双边贸易协议。
- Since then, bilateral trade has been reduced to minuscule levels. 从那时起,日韩双边贸易降至最低点。
- China and the U.S. government signed an agreement concerning bilateral trade. 中美两国就双方贸易问题签订了协约。
- The picture shows China-DPR Korea bilateral trade volume 1993 to 2007. 图为中国在朝投资企业白山烟草合营会社。
- That is the only way conducive to removing misunderstanding and properly settling bilateral trade disputes. 这样才有助于消除误解,妥善解决国与国之间的贸易争端。
- Today bilateral trade is running at record levels and the UK continues to be the EU's largest investor in China. 今天两国的双边贸易额屡创新高,英国在欧盟各国对华投资一直保持首位。
- Here lies the essence of the matter when the United States seriously exaggerates its trade deficit against China and distorts bilateral trade balance. 这是美国对华贸易逆差被严重夸大、中美贸易平衡状况被扭曲的实质所在。
- So complementary and mutually beneficial is the structure of their exchanges of goods that it has greatly pushed the development of bilateral trade. 贸易产品结构的互补性和互利性,有力地推动了两国贸易的发展。
- US export control against China is a major obstacle for bilateral trade balance. 美国对中国出口管制是双边贸易平衡的主要障碍。
- These policies have hindered US exports to China and therefore have become a major obstacle for bilateral trade balance. 这是制约美国对中国出口,影响双边贸易平衡的主要障碍。
- But this won't make much of a dent in the bilateral trade balance or bring back jobs. 但是,这对平衡双方的贸易、增加美国的就业机会没有什么影响。
- China's economic development has made a tremendous contribution to the progress of Sino-US bilateral trade. 中国经济的发展为中美双边贸易的发展做出巨大贡献。
- Bilateral trade deals, food aid, and special preferences have further distorted trade flows in agriculture. 双边贸易交易,粮食援助以及特惠措施使农产品贸易流量进一步遭到扭曲。