- While a single building houses the two memorials, each has a separate entrance. 一座单一的建筑物同时拥有两个纪念馆,每一个都有各自的入口。
- Xizhimen prime commercial shopping center adjacent luxury KTV bars 2400 square meters single building location excellent. 西直门商场旁商业黄金地段豪华KTV酒吧2400平米独栋,位置绝好。
- Just because a single build may have “leaked” it does not signal the completion of a milestone such as RTM. 仅仅因为一个单一的建设可能已经“泄露”这并不意味着完成的一个里程碑,如RTM 。
- The plane layout is accordant with the landform and natural sight and the single building will embody the character of the city. 平面布局尽量结合地形和周边的自然景观,力求合理,建筑单体凸显连云港市浪漫神奇之都的特色。
- Because the skybridge is usually long-spanned and high in the air ,the skybridge is similar to a bridge supported by the single building. 往往由于跨度较大,且通常被搁置在高空中,故连廊的结构形式类似于以房屋为支墩的桥。
- Being a new direction for architecture: Projective neither presumes to transform the society with a single building nor carelessly falls into the cynicism of commercial needs. 既不期许一个建筑可以改变整个社会,也不盲目犬儒式地跟随商业需求。
- This academy is not an entire single building, but a continuation of several houses on both sides of a street, which growing waste, was purchased and applied to that use. 这所科学院不是一整座独立的建筑物,而是一条街道两旁连在一起的几所房子,因为年久失修,才买下来给科学院使用。
- Yesterday more than 600 soldiers reached Yingxiu township of Wenchuan - the epi of Mondays 7.8 magnitude quake - where not a single building was intact, Xinhua reported. 新华社消息,昨日六百多名士兵抵达震中、汶川映秀镇。周一这里发生了里氏7.;8级地震,建筑全部被毁。
- Because of the complexity of living space in modern cities, the research object of this paper was limited to the transition space of single building in congregant resident. 由于城市居住空间的复杂性,本文将研究对象限定为城市集合住宅中单栋楼体的过渡空间。
- Concavity and convexity always can be seen in the architectural design, no matter in single building, combination of architectural fabric and even details. 凹入与凸出给人不同的视觉感受和心理感受,凹凸在建筑造型过程中,大至单体造型,小至建筑构件组合,乃至建筑细部等方面都有所体现。
- The a lication field of architectural bionics is very exte ive,from the city pla ing to the single building,from the living environment to the building material. 建筑仿生学的应用范围很广,从城市总体到单体建筑,从居住环境到材料都可涵盖。
- Where you can capture and sell a single building with a Saboteur, you can blow up multiple buildings via the Commando. 你可以用破坏者占领卖掉单个建筑的地方,也可以用特种兵炸飞多个建筑。
- Local-Area Network( LAN) A computer network that spans a relatiely small area. Most LANs are confined to a single building or group of buildings. 局域网局域网(AN)指覆盖相对较小区域的计算机网络,大多数局域网局限在单一的建筑或建筑群内。
- Local-Area Network (LAN) A computer network that spans a relatively small area. Most LANs are confined to a single building or group of buildings. 局域网局域网(LAN)是指覆盖相对较小区域的计算机网络,大多数局域网局限在单一的建筑或建筑群内。
- The construction of a single building, building a comprehensive, standardized a cafeteria, student dormitory is being constructed, teaching and office space a more adequate manner. 修建单面教学楼一栋,综合教学楼一栋,标准化食堂一栋,学生宿舍楼正在紧张施工,教学及办公用房比较充足。
- Plan with scientifically was the preconditions, single building built correctly was the key condition and strict facilities allocation and operation management was the guarantee. 科学系统的总体规划是前提;正确合理的单体建设是关键;严格规范的设施设备配备和运营管理是保证。
- The company, which advertises it is "dedicated to helping serious singles build lasting relationships," did not return calls for comment. 这家交友公司旨在“让有情人终成眷属”。他们没有对这件事发表评论。
- The letter was written on a single sheet of paper. 这封信只用一张纸写成。
- One single, second class, to winchester, please. 买一张去温撤斯特单程二等票。
- He got over the stream with a single leap. 他一跃就跳过了小溪。