- Simulium iridovirus Simulium 昆虫虹彩病毒
- Simulium (Nevermannia) henanense sp. nov. 河南纺蚋
- Iridovirus analysis can be observed general condition. 虹彩分析能同时观察全身情况。
- Simuliidae Simulium(Nevermannia) ruficorne group new species. 蚋科 蚋属 纺蚋亚属 鹿蚋组 新种.
- Diptera Simuliidae Simulium (Gomphostilbia) new species China. 双翅目 蚋科 绳蚋亚属 新种 中国.
- Diptera, Simuliidae, Simulium (Gomphostilbia), new species, China. 双翅目 蚋科 绳蚋亚属 新种 中国.
- Simuliidae Simulium(Montisimulium) checklist new species Sichuan Province. 双翅目 蚋科 蚋属 山蚋亚属 名录 新种.
- Iridovirus, which is widely found in aquatic animal such as fishes, brings huge economic losses to global aquiculture. 摘要虹彩病毒对鱼类等水生动物有广泛的感染性,给世界水产养殖业造成了巨大的经济损失。
- Iridovirus and nervous necrosis virus (NNV) both were isolated from various grouper, sea bream and sea bass. 无论如何,虹彩病毒和神经坏死病毒都分离自海产的石斑、海鲷、鲈鱼,危害相当大。
- By these methods that can examination of the king grouper whether suffers from iridovirus infection. 运用这些检测方法,可实际侦测龙胆石斑是否罹患虹彩病毒。
- The present paper deals with two new species of the genus Simulium Latreille from Guizhou Province, China. 本文报道采自贵州的蚋属二新种:兴义维蚋Simulium (Wilhelmia) xingyiense sp.;nov
- ISKNV in mandarin fishes is a virus that belongs to iridovirus family being researched the most professionally in China. 在我国,鳜鱼中的虹彩病毒(ISKNV)是研究最为深入的一种,何建国等测定了该病毒的全基因序列并做了其他的一些相关研究。
- We believe that the application of the eyes and Iridovirus analysis to diagnose disease,because it can truly understand the cause of the disease. 我们相信应用眼睛的虹彩能够诊断并且分析病情,因为它可以真正了解致病原因。
- Any of a genus(Simulium)of black flies,several species of which transmit the parasitic filarial worms that cause onchocerciasis. 蚋属绳一种(蚋属)属黑绳,其中一些品种上携带能引起盘带丝虫病的寄生丝虫
- Any of a genus (Simulium) of black flies, several species of which transmit the parasitic filarial worms that cause onchocerciasis. 蚋属绳:一种(蚋属)属黑绳,其中一些品种上携带能引起盘带丝虫病的寄生丝虫
- Any of a genus(Simulium) of black flies, several species of which transmit the parasitic filarial worms that cause onchocerciasis. 蚋属绳一种(蚋属)属黑绳,其中一些品种上携带能引起盘带丝虫病的寄生丝虫
- Among the virus of RTV, doctorfish iridovirus and largemouth bass ranavirus, the very different identity between MTase and MCP gene suggests that the gene used as target to estimate the evolution of the iridoviruses should be suitable. RTV、裂唇鱼病毒和大口黑鲈病毒之间MTase基因的一致性与衣壳蛋白基因的差异较大 ,说明同一种类的不同基因甚至同一基因的不同区域间演化速率不同 ,因此在虹彩病毒的演化研究中选择合适的基因或基因区域极为重要
- By using the cytopathic effect(CPE) as a criterion index,the optimal propagation condition of Turbot reddish body iridovirus(TRBIV) in culturing flounder gill(FG) cells was studied in this study. 探讨大菱鲆病毒疫苗的研制,以牙鲆鳃细胞(FG细胞)为增殖体系,利用细胞病变效应(CPE)为判断指标,对大菱鲆红体病虹彩病毒(Turbot reddish body iridovirus,TRBIV)的体外最适增殖条件等进行了研究。
- Simulium sp. 蚋
- Octopus vulgaris disease iridovirus 真蛸(章鱼)病虹彩病毒