- Socialist policy favours public ownership of the coal industry. 社会主义的政策有利於在煤炭工业中推行公有制。
- Simulated Public Ownership 虚构公有产权
- The skin of socialist public ownership. 有社会主义公有制这张皮。
- To subject to public ownership or control. 使公有化属于公众所有或控制
- Socialist policy favors public ownership of the coal industry . 社会主义政策有利于煤炭工业中的公有制。
- We need to seek a variety of effective forms of public ownership. 积极探索公有制多种有效实现形式。
- The realization form of public ownership should be diversified. 公有制实现形式的多样化。
- Socialist policy favors public ownership of the coal industry. 社会主义政策有利于煤炭工业中的公有制。
- Socialists have long argued for public ownership of the means of production. 社会主义者早就主张生产资料公有制。
- The third part: The influence of public ownership of land to easement. 第三部分:我国土地公有制对地役权制度的影响。
- The excessive resort to public ownership is a drag on economic development. 过多地依赖公有制会拖慢经济发展步伐。
- The press can both simulate public opinion and miseducate it. 新闻既能刺激公众意见,也能误导它。
- We have always followed the principles of socialist public ownership and distribution according to work. 我们坚持了社会主义公有制和按劳分配的原则。
- The private economy is a supplement to the socialist economy under the public ownership. 私营经济是社会主义公有制经济的补充。
- The state practises economic planning on the basis of socialist public ownership. 国家在社会主义公有制基础上实行计划经济。
- Public ownership of the means of production constitutes the basis of China's socialist economic system. 中国社会主义经济制度的基础是生产资料的公有制。
- We intend to develop the productive forces,expand socialist public ownership and raise the people's income. 我们要发展社会生产力,发展社会主义公有制,增加全民所得。
- The rail industry is no longer in public ownership(= controlled by the government). 铁路业不再归国有了。
- A New Research on the New Public Ownership--A Reconsideration of the Mixed Ownership? 中国经济离真正的市场化还有多远?
- We will continue to follow the basic economic system to keep public ownership in a dominant position and have diverse forms of ownership develop side by side. 坚持以公有制为主体、多种所有制经济共同发展的基本经济制度。