- fuzzy similarity priority ratio method 模糊相似优先比法
- Production evaluation of different alfalfa varieties through fuzzy similarity priority ratio method 模糊相似优先比法对苜蓿生产性状评价
- Similarity priority ratio 相似优先比
- fuzzy similarity priority ratio 模糊相似优先比法
- The apostle Paul's commitment to ministry was framed by a similar priority. 保罗对于他职责的委身,也采取了同样的顺序。
- Thc similar priority scqucncc valuc mcthod for thc optimixation of mul-ti-objcctivc dccision is uscd for dctermining thc lcngth of fully meehanized mining facc in this paper. 本文应用多目标决策方法的相似优序值法确定综采工作面的合理长度。详细分析了影响综采工作面长度的各种因素,以产量、成本、掘进率、回采工效为目标。
- The Improvement of Vague comparative method of similarity priority and its application in undergraduate education 模糊相似比优先法的改进及其在本科教学工作水平评估中的应用
- An inherent similarity between persons or things. 相似人或事物之间遗传上的相似之处
- I have priority over you in my claim. 我的请求比你的优先。
- Safety has high priority in factories. 工厂里安全至关重要。
- They agreed to give the matter top priority. 他们同意优先考虑这件事。
- Road building is a top priority. 筑路是最优先考虑的事。
- That task rates low on my priority list. 那件事情并不是我的当务之急。
- Rebuilding the area is a (top) priority. 重建这一地区是当务之急。
- He talked about it in a similar way. 他对此事有相似的说法。
- Vehicles coming from the right have priority. 从右边驶来的车辆享有优先通行权。
- His dress is very similar to mine in colour. 他衣服的颜色和我衣服的很相似。
- A plantain is similar to a banana. 大蕉类似于香蕉。
- Set a high priority on funding the housing program. 把储备住宅计划资金视为优先的工作
- Adaptability Analysis of Introducing Area of Cupressus lusitanica of Dali Prefecture by Vague Comparative Method of Similarity Priority 应用模糊相似优先比法对大理州墨西哥柏引种适应性分析