- HASI will make similar measurements using radar signals. HASI也会运用雷达讯号进行类似的量测。
- Be in procurable later, wei Mou adopts similar measure to inbreak again this lottery website, filch amended the bank account of the person such as Sun Mou and code. 在得手以后,韦某又采取同样手段入侵该彩票网站,窃取并修改了孙某等人的银行账户和密码。
- Some provincial capital cities also have introduced similar measures. 同时,一些省会城市也采取了相应的措施。
- The infrared spectra of NPN and IPN were very similar measured using FTIR. 运用傅立叶红外光谱(FTIR)技术对NPN和IPN的谱图进行分析可知,两种硝酸酯的红外光谱图非常相似。
- Yahoo and MSN ever also tried to use the similar measure such as limitative visit to prevent tripartite client to carry, but these limitation are defeated very quickly also to solve. 雅虎和MSN也曾试图采用限制访问等类似的措施阻止第三方客户端,但这些限制也很快被破解。
- Is plasma high-definition TV certainly? The plasma TV of similar measure, predestined relationship why is the price disparate? When choosing plasma TV, what should notice after all? 等离子就一定是高清电视吗?同样尺寸的等离子电视,缘何价格迥异?在选择等离子电视的时候,到底应该注重什么?
- Sulfur or sulfuric deliveries can be similarly measured. 硫黄和硫酸的交货量也可用类似方法测定。
- The good they have done for me is beyond measure. 他们对我所做的好事简直无可估量。
- A new correlation ratio similarity measure in voxel intensity based medical image registration field was adopted. 在基于体素灰度的医学图像配准领域,本文采用了全新的相关比相似性测度作为配准的测度准则。
- The similarity measure of time sequences is the base to evaluate the similarity of two sequences. 摘要时间序列的相似性度量是衡量两个序列相似性的依据。
- Similar measures had been considered in 2000, but were shelved after protests from immigrant communities. 这种类似的措施曾经在2000年被列为提案,但是受到移民社区的抗议而被搁置。
- OFTA will continue to conduct similar measurements as and when the situation warrants. 电讯管理局将继续进行类似的测试,当情况认股权证。
- The Euclidean distance is usually chosen as the similarity measure in the conventional K-NN algorithm, which usually relates to all attributes. 传统的K-近邻算法选择的相似性度量通常是欧几里德距离的倒数,这种距离通常涉及所有的特征。
- All of these theories and methods expand research fields of information pattern similarity measure, and consist of important parts of DPR. 所有这些理论与方法,拓宽了信息模式相似性测度的研究领域,是DPR研究的重要组成部分;
- This paper presents a method to recognize digit and small set and Multi-font Chinese character based on similarity measure of Fuzzy Model. 文章提出了一种基于模糊相似测量的小类别数多字体汉字及数字识别方法。
- These and similar measures will help induce financial institutions to balance their entrepreneurial drive with their fiduciary responsibilities. 这些办法和类似的措施将有利于金融机构平衡其信贷动力和信贷责任。
- As a percentage of its economic output, China's stimulus package outpaces similar measures enacted in the United States.So far this year, the U. 中国刺激经济的一揽子计划已经赶超了美国的类似的刺激经济措施。
- Finally, the 2-D correlation coefficient is used as a symmetry similarity measure to check the factuality of the two detected eyes. 最后利用二维相关系数作为对称相似性测度,检验检测到的双眼的真实性。
- Experimental results show that MIM can characterize texture information of SAR image more effectively than the commonly used similarity measure. 最后对真实SAR图像的实验结果表明该方法是SAR图像分割的一种有效方法。
- He talked about it in a similar way. 他对此事有相似的说法。