- Sila masuk. 请进来.
- Cikgu:Kenapa anda nak masuk kelas ke-empat ni? (为什麽妳要换到第四班呢?
- Sila hantarkan kerja ke meja saya. 请把作业放到我的桌子上.
- Sila tulis jawapan kamu di papan. 请把你的答案写在黑板.
- No single English word adequately translates sila. / 没有任何一个英文字足以翻译sila这个字。
- Sila anggat tangan semasa saya panggil nama kamu. 当我叫到你的名字的时候;请举手.
- Sila cakap 'Ada'semasa saya panggil nama kamu. 当我叫到你的名字的时候;请说[到].
- If sila is unfulfilled, can you acquire the happiness you are looking for? 如果戒律还没有圆满,你能够获得你所追寻的快乐?
- Cursed [shalt] thou [be] when thou comest in, and cursed [shalt] thou [be] when thou goest out. Terkutuklah engkau pada waktu masuk dan terkutuklah engkau pada waktu keluar. 你入也受咒诅,出也受咒诅。
- Buddhism tells us not to kill.No killing is one of the important sila in Buddhism. 从这个意义上看,生命主体与其所生存的环境是“一体不二”的关系。
- If sila is not perfect, there cannot be good samadhi.Without good samadhi, there cannot be panna. 如果戒不清净,就不可能得定,没有得定就不可能发慧的。
- If you neglect any of these duties, can you say for certain that you have fulfilled sila? 如果你疏忽责任,你可以确信自己已经具足戒律了吗?
- Q. When the yogi is in the present moment, he automatically has sila, samadhi and panna. Why? 问:修行者保持在当下自然是具足戒、定、慧。为什麽?
- Sila Tan - Zlatan Ibrahimovic in the last few games out a lot. Tomorrow he might break it? 问:斯拉坦-伊布拉希莫维奇在最近几场比赛中出场很多。明天他有可能休息吗?
- Sila, samadhi, and panna lead us to realize the Four Noble Truths. (See Wisdom Stages, 1.2; also Samattha/Vipassana, 1.9). 戒、定、慧可以引导我们体证四圣谛(见1-2节,智阶:或1-9节,奢摩他/毘婆舍那)。
- Ye Sila established an independent State of Bosnia and the public. 14 century, the South Slavs in Bosnia was the most powerful country. 12世纪末叶斯拉夫人建立了独立的波斯尼亚公国。14世纪末,波斯尼亚曾是南部斯拉夫人最强盛的国家。
- Thou shalt come to [thy] grave in a full age, like as a shock of corn cometh in in his season. Dalam usia tinggi engkau akan turun ke dalam kubur, seperti berkas gandum dibawa masuk pada waktunya. 你必寿足年迈才归坟墓,好像禾捆到时堆积起来。
- And he, seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple, began to ask to receive alms. Ketika orang itu melihat, bahwa Petrus dan Yohanes hendak masuk ke Bait Allah, ia meminta sedekah. 他看见彼得、约翰将要进殿,就求他们谘济。
- Judging from his standards, most monks within the Thai Sangha (or community of monks) are far below the level of purity of the sila set by the Buddha. 由他的标准看来,泰国僧团里的大多数僧侣持戒都远低于佛陀所制定戒律的标准。
- Sila is usually translated as "virtue" or "ethics," but we need to be careful not to confuse it with Western ideas of virtue and ethics. / Sila 通常被翻译为“戒德”或“道德”,但是我们要小心,不要把它和西方思想中有关德行和道德的观念相混淆。