- Signature of Bank Teller Date 银行经办人:经办日期
- Introduction: Know the number of bank teller fast percussion figure out is how the training? 知道银行出纳员数量的快速的数字敲击是怎么练出来的么?
- A will needs the signature of the testator and two witness. 一份遗嘱需要立遗嘱人和两个证人的签字。
- As soon as I complete my training, I am going to be a bank teller. 一旦我结束训练,我会成为一名银行出纳。
- The thief waved his gun at the bank teller. 那个贼向银行出纳员挥舞他的枪。
- The thief waved his gun at the bank teller . 那个贼向银行出纳员挥舞他的枪。
- Punctuation thus becomes the signature of cultures. 于是,标点成了不同文化的标志。
- Signature of Issuring Carrier or its Agent. 填开货运单的承运人或其代理人签字。
- Signature of liaison person Tel. 联系人签名电话。
- If Bank Robber A holds up Bank Teller B... 如果银行抢劫犯A以武力威胁银行的出纳员B......
- No. and signature of linkman. 4)I. 3)联系人身份证及签名。
- The bank teller has been fired because she stole. 那位银行出纳员因为偷窃而已经被开除了。
- I used to work as a bank teller. 我过去当过银行的出纳员。
- Bank teller: Can you identify yourself? 银行出纳:你能证明你自己吗?
- You will find the signature of Mr. Yokota at the foot hereof. 横田先生签名如下。
- The cheque bears the signature of the company secretary. 该支票有公司秘书的签字。
- There are a wad of bank notes in the bag. 包里有一叠钞票。
- You will find the signature of Mr. Y. at the foot hereof. 本函下面所示系Y先生的签名。
- There is a wad of bank note in the bag. 包里有一叠钞票。
- He has the signature of nearly every great man who is now living. 他保存着在世的几乎每一位伟人的亲笔签名。