- In 1957 the Soviets put an astronaut into space. 一九五七年苏联人把一个太空人送进太空。
- The first artificial satellite was fired off on October4,1957. 第一颗人造卫星于1957年10月4日发射升空。
- From 1957 on they grew at a snail's pace. 从一九五七年起,我们生产力的发展非常缓慢。
- Waverly Jong: Mom, why don't you like Rich? 妈妈,为什么你不喜欢里奇?
- Now, the Korean ruler Kim Jong Il abnormal body. 现在,朝鲜统治者金正日身体出现异常。
- The benefits of mook jong training are priceless. 来自木人桩的训练所得的收获是价值连城的。
- In 1957 the shop was turned into a factory. 1957年,这个作坊改成了工厂。
- Our comrades can well recall the situation in 1957. 同志们可以回想一下,一九五七年的问题是个什么问题呢?
- Since 1957, Viorst has been writing in Washington. 自1957年开始,佛罗斯特一直在华盛顿从事写作。
- In 1957 Konrad Adenauer was already 81 years old. 1957年,阿登那总理已经81岁。
- He was knighted in 1957 and later made a life peer. 他于1957年被封为爵士,而且后来也成为一位终身贵族。
- In Wing Chun there is a set form for mook jong training. 在咏春拳里有一套完整的木人桩训练体系。
- They presented China with this species of fish in 1957. 这种鱼是他们在1957年送给中国的。
- O.G.P.) ON GUARD POSITION IS JKD'S BAI JONG POSITION. 刚开始回台南接受大哥及郭师兄的正确的指导后才算初步认识JKD。...(继续阅读)
- Wuhan Changjiang River Bridge was opened to traffic in 1957. 武汉长江大桥于1957年通车。
- Chinese envoy met with North Korea's leader Kim Jong Il. 一位中国特使与朝鲜领导人金正日会面。
- The operation on this unit were finally suspended in 1957. 在1957年这装置终于中断操作。
- Mr.Kim Jong Il of N.Korea stayed same hotel that day. 当日韩国总理金正日先生亦下榻同一宾馆。
- Several different designs for the mook jong have surfaced. 许多不同设计的木人桩都是表面刨光的。
- Launched by the Soviets in 1957, the Sputnik was the first satellite in the world. 苏联人在一九五七年发射的人造卫星是世界上的第一颗人造卫星。