- Shrubs scandent or erect, to 10 m tall, armed. 攀缘灌木或直立,对10米高,具刺。
- Shrubs scandent, 1-7 m.Branchlets flat, slightly swollen at nodes, pubescent. 攀缘灌木,平的1-7米小枝,稍膨胀在节上,短柔毛。
- Shrubs scandent or erect, rarely small trees, unarmed or spinescent. 攀缘灌木或直立,很少小乔木,无刺或具刺。
- Shrubs scandent, rusty stellate tomentose on branchlets and leaves abaxially. 攀缘灌木,在背面小枝和叶上的锈色的被星状绒毛。
- Shrubs scandent. 攀缘灌木。
- Shrubs scandent, ca. 10 m tall. 攀缘灌木,约10米高。
- Shrubs scandent or climbing. 攀缘灌木或攀援。
- Small trees, erect or scandent shrubs. 小乔木,直立或攀缘灌木。
- Vines or scandent shrubs, woody. 藤本植物或攀缘灌木,木质。
- Shrubs or small trees 0.3-3 m, sometimes scandent. 灌木或小乔木0.;3-3米,有时。
- Herbs erect or scandent, or clambering shrubs. 草本直立或者攀缘,或攀援的灌木。
- Small trees or shrubs, sometimes scandent shrubs. 小乔木或灌木,有时攀缘灌木。
- Scandent shrubs or lianas, 3-4 m tall. 攀缘灌木或者藤本植物,3-4米高。
- Stranglers, woody or scandent shrubs. 阻气门,木质的或攀缘灌木。
- The flowering shrubs were a scarlet flame. 花丛一片嫣红。
- The trees and shrubs were in full leaf. 那些树和灌木枝叶茂盛。
- The naughty boy hid the books in the shrub. 这个淘气的孩子把书藏在了灌木丛里。
- The growing apex or main shoot of a shrub or tree. 顶枝灌木或乔木的生长顶端或主要新梢
- Shrubs erect, sometimes decumbent or scandent, 1-3(-5) m tall. 有时,灌木直立或,1-3(-5)米高。
- Trees or erect or scandent shrubs, evergreen or deciduous. 乔木或直立或攀缘灌木,常绿或落叶的。