- Showing pity and some contempt 表示同情或怜悯并带有一些鄙夷的
- Somebody show pities and sorrow for the death of the little girl. 一些人对小女孩的死表示同情;
- I bought a cup of coke and some popcorn. 我买一杯可口可乐和一些爆米花。
- We keep a few fowls and some goats. 我们养了几只鸡和一些山羊。
- Her smile was a mixture of pity and condescension. 她的微笑中夹杂着怜悯与傲慢。
- His words were a mixture of pity and reproof. 他的话里既有同情也有责备。
- We lunched on garlic sausage and some bread. 我们午餐吃大蒜香肠肉加面包。
- They showed their enemies pity and kindness. 他们竟对他们的敌人表示怜悯。
- They showed their enemies pity and kindness . 他们竟对他们的敌人表示怜悯。
- I'll give you some cough medicine and some antibiotic pills. 我给开点咳嗽药和一些抗生素药丸。
- A flowering tree blew down and some small shrubs were flattened. 一棵正在开花的树被吹倒了,一些小灌木也被吹毁了。
- No, I'm going to the snack bar to get a doughnut and some milk. 不,我要到小吃店买一个油炸圈饼和一些牛奶。
- They do not need pity and sympathy but they will enrich you. 他们不需要被可怜和被同情但他们会使你富足。
- "Mother's perfectly capable of getting through this little celebration," said Gudurn with some contempt. “母亲完全能应付这次盛会”古娟对母亲很不以为然。
- I need a needle and some thread to mend this shirt. 我需要一根针和一些线来缝补一下这件衬衫。
- I hate being laughed at and some teasing hurts me more than I show. 我也讨厌被嘲笑,那种嘲笑对我的伤害远比我显露出来的多。
- The hall was full and some people were turned away. 礼堂坐满了人,有些人没让进去。
- I have to make a banner and some backdrops. 我要做一个横幅及一些背景字。
- Some (of them) came by land and some by water. 一些人由陆路来,一些人从水路来。
- Yes, I have a bunch of keys and some coins. 好的,我有一串钥匙和一些硬币。