- Show or hide the Directory pane. 显示或隐藏目录窗格。
- To show or hide the horizontal and vertical rulers, click View Ruler at the top of the vertical scroll bar. 若要显示或隐藏水平和垂直标尺,请单击垂直滚动条顶部的“查看标尺”。
- Show or hide the rulers 显示或隐藏标尺
- Show or hide the description column in details view. 在细节检视时,显示或隐藏说明栏位。
- Shows or hides the text toolbar. 显示或隐藏文字工具栏。
- Show or hide the subtitle, column names, or quantity using the check boxes at the bottom of the dialog box. 使用该对话框底部的复选框显示或隐藏副标题、列名称或数量。
- You can expand or collapse individual nodes in the tree to show or hide the splits that occur after each node. 您可以展开或折叠决策树中的各个节点,以显示或隐藏各节点后出现的拆分。
- A document that you want to tag in your flowchart. On the page, show or hide the tag using the right-click menu. 您要在流程图中进行标记的一个文档。在此页上,使用右击菜单显示或隐藏标记。
- Using these two functions I came up with the following code which you can use to either show or hide the taskbar and utilize the full desktop. 使用这两个函数,我写了以下代码来完成显示隐藏任务栏的任务。
- Shows or hides the gridlines between the days of the month. 显示或隐藏月中各天之间的网格线。
- Shows or hides the section that displays the days of the week. 显示或隐藏显示一周中各天的部分。
- Toggles between showing or hiding the Text / Path Panel. 之间切换显示或隐藏文本/路径面板。
- Toggles between showing or hiding the bounding box around objects. 之间切换显示或隐藏该包围盒左右的物体。
- Showing or hiding the time toolbar To show or hide the time palette, select the View/ Toolbars. 时间工具栏允许你定义一个时间增量,然后靠单击某按钮或按下某键来快速向前或向后调整时间。
- This option determines which files are added to the package, regardless of whether you click Show Dependencies or Hide Dependencies to actually show or hide the list of dependent files. 此选项将确定哪些文件被添加到包中,而不管您是否单击“显示相关项”或“隐藏相关项”来实际显示或隐藏依赖文件的列表。
- How can I view or hide the outline structure? 如何查看或隐藏大纲结构?
- Toggles between showing or hiding the base image and the Web background. 之间切换显示或隐藏该基地的形象和网页背景。
- Show or hide keyboard shortcuts. 显示或隐藏键盘快捷方式。
- Show or Hide the translation toggling control 显示或隐藏翻译切换控制由于空间的
- Show or hide the Convert File dialog box 显示或隐藏“转换文件”对话框