- Shot from Bridge Arpad. 小船图片 Boat.
- He was shot from behind as he ran away. 他跑开时,有人从後面将他射中。
- The murder bullet was shot from this very gun. 罪恶的子弹正是从这支枪里射出的。
- A fountain of water shot from the pipe. 一股水从水管中喷出。
- A lateral shoot from the main stem of a plant. 分枝植株的主茎上长出的侧枝
- The hare shot from its burrow and the hound made after it at top speed. 野兔从洞里闪出来,猎狗飞快地紧追不舍。
- Don't shoot from the hip, make a plan first. 别莽撞,先定个计划。
- Don't shoot from the hip,make a plan first. 别莽撞,先定个计划。
- Mark took a long distance shot from 30 meters away. 马克从30米外来了一个远射。
- He was shot from behind the hedge. 他从掩体后被击中。
- At last the shell was shot from the gun. 最后,炮弹从枪膛里发射了出去。
- First time Jib shot from Tony Ching on Vimeo. 第一次试拍,请各位老手多多指导。
- Rabbits may not be shot from motorboats. 不可从汽艇上射击兔子。
- Shot from my cel phone in the dark. 在这天夜里点燃图片 Light in the night.
- Stay away from bridges, overpasses and tunnels. 不要停车于桥梁,天桥和隧道。
- Hearing the sad news, he felt the tears shooting from his eyes. 一听到令人伤心的消息,他就感到泪水从眼中涌了出来。
- She tried to shoot from outside the free-throw line. 她试着从罚球线外投球。
- He grafted a shoot from a good apple tree in an old tree . 他把优良品种的苹果树的嫩枝接到一株老树上去。
- A slice is a curving shot from left to right with severe sidespin. 右曲球是一种带有相当于顺时钟旋转导致剧烈向右弯曲的击球。
- He would fire one single shot from his eight-chambered repeater. 他要用他那只八响枪开一枪。