- In this afternoon's race, some of the other runners gave her stiff competition and she won only by a short neck. 在这天下午的赛马中,其它一些赛跑的马和她势均力敌,她仅以些微之差获胜。
- He was a man of striking ugliness; fat with a bullet-head set on a short neck. 他是个形貌奇丑的人;体形臃肿,圆头短颈。
- Having a short neck, he is not suitable to wear a turtle neck sweater. 他脖子短,不适合穿立领的毛衣。
- In this afternoon's race,some of the other runners gave her stiff competition and she won only by a short neck. 在这天下午的赛马中,其它一些赛跑的马和她势均力敌,她仅以些微之差获胜。
- Living short neck clam, sand out, pearl out by machine one by one, IQF, packing in vacuum. 活贝,吐沙,仪器排除珍珠,冷冻,真空包装。
- A very short neck giving a stuffy appearance and a long, thin or ewe neck are faulty. 整体来看,长度多变,略厚、略长的围脖环绕着颈部,胸腔和肩部。
- Symptoms are worse when you are overweight, have a short neck or still have your tonsils. 如果你体重过重、颈部较短或者扁桃腺没有割除,症状会更明显。
- A close relative of the giraffe, the okapi has a shorter neck. 牠是长颈鹿的近亲,而头部的长相则象长颈鹿。
- The head lean to the left with short neck, low margin of back hair, web-neck, and limitation of the movement of the neck. 头部向左侧弯,颈项短而粗,后发际底,蹼状颈畸形,颈椎活动受限
- At the time of his death, Eddie was a squat, white-haired old man, with a short neck, a barrel chest, thick forearms, and a faded army tattoo on his right shoulder. 临终的时候,爱迪是一个矮墩墩的白发老人,短颈阔胸,手臂粗壮,右肩上一个刺身军记依稀可见。
- Compared with that in the Song Dynasty, the Meiping in the Yuan Dynasty, with narrow out-curled mouth, short neck, and out-stretched base, is much plumper. 元代梅瓶造型为小口外折,短颈呈上窄下宽之梯形,肩部比宋代梅瓶更趋丰满,胫部也随之增大,至足部微外撇。
- A ruminant forest mammal(Okapia johnstoni)of the Congo River basin in Africa, related to the giraffe but smaller and having a short neck, reddish - brown body, creamy white cheeks, and whitish stripes and bands on the legs. 霍加x非洲刚果河盆地的一种反刍类森林哺乳动物(霍加x),与长颈鹿为同一科属,但更小一些,颈短,有红褐色躯体,奶白色的面颊,腿部有略带白色的条危F
- A ruminant forest mammal(Okapia johnstoni) of the Congo River basin in Africa, related to the giraffe but smaller and having a short neck, reddish-brown body, creamy white cheeks, and whitish stripes and bands on the legs. 霍加x非洲刚果河盆地的一种反刍类森林哺乳动物(霍加x),与长颈鹿为同一科属,但更小一些,颈短,有红褐色躯体,奶白色的面颊,腿部有略带白色的条危f
- The relatively short neck, scar contracture, and inactive movement of the involved side of the neck resulted in tracheal deviation, an unusual complication not appearing in previous reports. 由于患者颈部较短,疤痕挛缩,同时缺少颈部之主动运动,因而导致少见的气管偏位,一项文献上未曾描述之并发症。
- Your work falls short of my expectations. 你的工作未达到我的期望。
- Our escape was little short of miraculous. 我们能逃脱简直是个奇迹。
- The mountain Azerbaijan type has a shorter neck than the Georgian type with flatter skull with a slightly longer muzzle with more developed cheekbones. 比起格鲁吉亚犬,阿塞拜疆山地型颈部较短,头骨更加平坦,口吻部略长,颧骨更发达。)
- Those with short necks died of starvation, while the long-necked giraffes survived. 而且随着时间的推移,长颈鹿为了吃到更多的树叶,就把脖子长的特点遗传了下来。
- In addition to these features, modern human femora have short necks and mediolaterally narrow shafts. 除了这些特点外,现代人类股骨杆部稍短、轴状股较细。
- In the short term, the medicine may not be very effective. 从眼前来看,这药可能疗效不是很大。