- Has property at the shore and elsewhere. 在这个商店和别的地方有财产
- Industrialized members for shoring and shuttering. [标准名称] Building site equipment.
- He tried to shake them off, to forget and brace up. 他想甩开它们,忘记它们,振作起来。
- Shoring and bracing 支撑和撑杆
- The air blowing on the brow was fresh, sweet and bracing. 崖顶的风儿清新,沁脾,教人振奋。
- Boat wreckage is often dragged to shore and salvaged for parts. 一些失事船只的残骸被打捞上来,部分加以利用。
- These are Parentheses, Square brackets, Angle brackets and Brace. 括号有小括号、中括号、角括号和大括号。
- Who can change the shapes of the shore and the headlands, I can! 谁能改变海岸和海岬的形状?我能!
- I found some crabs and plants on the shore and ate them heartily. 在岸边,我找到了一些螃蟹和植物,随即大快朵颐了一番。
- Shore At night he would stand on the shore and gaze out to sea. 晚上,他会站在岸边凝视远处的海面。
- In death we reach the shore and go to our different worlds. 死时,我们便到了岸,各往各的世界去了。
- The swimmer came to the shore and took a deep breath. 那游泳者来到岸边,深深的吸了口气。
- Their missions are near shore and are very dangerous. 他们的任务是在近海,而且非常危险"的事。
- Fish chained the lifeboat to the shore and dived into the water. 费希把救生艇系在岸边就潜入水中。
- She choked back her tears and braced up. 她忍住眼泪,打起精神来。
- Mary choked back her tears and braced up. 玛丽忍住了眼泪,振作起来。
- The brackets and braces should not be typed. 不应键入方括号和大括号。
- He straightened his back and braced his shoulders. 他挺直腰板,收紧肩膀。
- Yes, I bought many marble products, such as vases, flower pots, ash trays and brace lets.The pricers were good. 是的,我买回了许多大理石制品,象花瓶,花盆,烟灰缸和镯子,价钱很不错。
- The sea erodes the shore and cliffs of the coast in part by this process. 海洋部分地通过这一过程侵蚀着海岸的峭壁。