- Shirakawa Katsuhiko 白川胜彦(1945-),日本人,众议员。
- South lines are Changchun - two Shirakawa, Tonghua - two Shirakawa. 游客可在安图下车换乘汽车抵二道白河镇;
- English:Hi,I'm T.A Shirakawa from Chinese Wikipedia,I can't speak Italian. 繁体中文:嗨,我是T.;A白河,我来自中文维基百科,我不会说义大利语。
- KATSUHIKO OGATA,”DISCRETE-TIME CONTROL SYSTEM”,Prentice-Hall International Edition,1987. 杨荣隆、许书务编译;”业馀电台用八木天线设计;敏通科技出版社1991.
- But Yasuo Fukuda, prime minister, praised Mr Shirakawa's technical prowess and international experience. 不过,日本首相福田康夫(Yasuo Fukuda)很赞赏白川方明的技术实力和国际经验。
- Heeger, MacDiarmid and Shirakawa received the 2000 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for this work. 他们三位也因为这项工作而获得2000年诺贝尔化学奖。
- It Shirakawa of the head, the West Bank, two from the River railway station 17 km. 它位于头道白河西岸,距二道河火车站17公里。
- Yanqing County from the Fort Shirakawa Dam in the northeast direction into the canyon, the valley could be a taste of style. 从延庆县的白河堡水库大坝的东北方向进入峡谷,便可领略峡谷的风貌。
- Hideki Shirakawa, born August 1936, is a famous chemist in the Polymer Science and Distinguished Professor of Tsukuba University in Japan. 白川英树,生于1936年8月,日本著名高分子化学家,现任:日本学士院院士、(国立)筑波大学名誉教授。
- From the Miyun County along the Shirakawa Suliu and, until Yunmengshan the north, reached the Shirakawa of the most spectacular canyon. 从密云县沿白河溯流而上,直至云蒙山北麓,就到达了白河峡谷最为壮观之处。
- Guyuan County changed in 1915, due to sell water (this name shirakawa) originated in South County, named after nine Longquan. 1915年改为沽源县,因沽水(今名白河)发源于县南九龙泉而得名。
- The BoJ governor Shirakawa’s comments this morning were watched very closely as he expressed a somewhat optimistic view of the current economic and financial situation in Japan. 日本央行行长白川今天上午发表评论称:日本目前的经济和财政状况较为乐观。该评论立即得到市场的密切关注。
- The team found that the various smaller styrene units were present in the same relative quantities Katsuhiko Saido of Nihon University in Chiba, Japan in both the lab and in the water samples. 这个团队发现:各种较小聚乙烯单元被分解为相同对应数量的颗粒(在卡素西口赛一朵的实验室条件下和海水样本条件下)。
- 4 Hiroyuki Shiba,Kazuhiro Uehara,Katsuhiko Araki; 5赵永杰,樊晓桠,佟凤辉;
- Katsuhiko Suganuma;James Welker; 著者: Mark J McLelland;
- Kazuyoshi Ebe *, Hideo Seno, Katsuhiko Horigome Research Laboratory, LINTEC Corporation, 5-14-42, 原始页: 2008年.;所有权利保留
- Katsuhiko Shirasawa * Kyocera Corporation, Shiga Yohkaichi Plant, Solar Energy Division, 1166-6 Na 首页----期刊主要分类----期刊细介绍----期刊题录与文摘----期刊详细文摘内容
- Author Chen Decheng;Suzuki Yasuo;Sakai Katsuhiko (Graduate School;Shizuoka University;Japan); 作者陈德成;铃木康夫;酒井克彦;
- Katsuhiko,Ogata.Modern control engineering (Fourth Edition).Prentice-Hall.New Jersey.2002 孙增圻.;系统分析与控制[M]
- Katsuhiko 胜彦(姓,日本)