- Shikengdong mine area 石坑岽矿区
- The Sulin mine area is a major host coal belt in the Huaibei coalfield. 宿临矿区是淮北煤田的主要赋煤地带。
- Speed up development of Panxi iron mining area. 加快攀西铁矿山建设。
- Manage Environment in Exploration and Mining Area. 管理矿区环境。
- The coal mining area is in the center of the basin. 煤矿区位于盆地的中心。
- The deep roadway surrounding rock of Jinchuan No.2 mine area was crumbly and had obvious creep. 金川二矿区深部巷道围岩岩石破碎,蠕变特性明显,地应力大,巷道变形严重,巷道返修量大,严重制约了矿山的发展。
- More than60 pits in old mining areas are being extended. 老矿区的六十多个矿井正在扩建。
- The design thought of geothermal information management system for Pingdingshan mine area (PGTIMS1.0) was introduced. 介绍了平顶山矿区地温信息管理系统软件(PGTIMS1.;0)的设计思路。
- In Xinfeng mine area karst occurs widely and hydrogeological condition is very complex. 新风矿区岩溶发育,水文地质条件较复杂。
- Independent Coordinate System Establish Method in Mining Area. 矿区独立坐标系的建立方法。
- My mining area is containing the rich blue sandstone resources. 我矿区蕴藏着丰厚的青砂岩资源。
- This endangers anile mining area severely live and develop. 这严重地危及到衰老矿区的生存和发展。
- The resource conditions of the deep orebody in East Section of Yangshan Mine area and the ore quality characteristics are described. 介绍了阳山矿区东矿段深部矿体的资源情况,矿石质量特征。
- Based on the state of Qitaihe mine area,approaches the set rules and calculation methods of water_proof pillar at different conditions. 根据七台河矿区具体情况,对各种条件下的防水煤岩柱的留设原则及计算方法进行论述。
- There are plentiful resources of associated sandy kaoline and soft clay in the Tertiary coal measures in Changchang coal mine area, Hainan province. 海南省长昌矿区第三纪煤系地层中伴生有丰富的砂质高岭土和软质粘土资源。
- Gaobei Syncline is major fold,a lot of secondary fault later period Indo-China play a comtrol role to mine area mainly formed three decollement fault. 对矿区起控制作用的断层是滑覆断层。印支晚期主要形成三条滑覆断层;燕山早期形成高陂向斜;燕山中晚期形成南北边界逆断层,形成了高陂向斜南高北低格局。
- I think your plans will chime in with mine. 我想你的计划会同我的相吻合。
- This paper analyzes the atmospheric pollution status in Antaibao coal mine area and puts forward the control measure considering its actual condition. 本文对安太堡矿区大气污染现状进行了初步分析,并结合矿区的实际提出了防治措施。
- Through these index calculations, the Pingshuo mine area features of a landscape, the landscape features of length, the landscape features of shape. 通过这些指数的计算结果,对平朔矿区景观进行面积特征分析、景观长度特征分析、景观形状特征分析。
- All units and individuals shall be forbidden to disrupt the order of production and other work in coal mine areas. 禁止任何单位和个人扰乱煤矿矿区的生产秩序和工作秩序。