- Shijiazhuang City Blower Factory Co., Ltd. 石家庄市风机厂有限责任公司。
- Shijiazhuang City Huayu Glass Products Co., Ltd. 石家庄市华宇玻璃制品有限公司。
- It was established in 1993. located in Shijiazhuang city, Hebei Province. 成立于1993年,座落于河北省省会石家庄市。
- In recent years, shijiazhuang city suckles course of study to carrying the growth rate of 30 % above all the time. 近年来 ,石家庄市奶业一直保持着30 %25以上的增长速度。
- Hebei TieXin Mechanism Co., Ltd is located in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, the provincial capi... 发布者:回宏峰所在地:河北石家庄市行业:机械及行业设备职位:经理工作年限:
- Hair zinc value of 1008 preschool children from Shijiazhuang city of Hebei province were estimated by atomic absorption spectrometry. 本文采用原子吸收光谱法测定了河北省石家庄市1008例学龄前儿童的发锌值。
- Methods The work model in Qiaodong district in Shijiazhuang city was evaluated according to the national CBR standard and analyzed. 方法依据全国残疾人社区康复示范区工作标准对石家庄市桥东区社区康复工作进行评估,分析模式特点。
- Come a few years, shijiazhuang city bureau increases blow strength, each checkmate, make each area builds a holiday to get essential processing. 几年来,石家庄市局加大打击力度,个个击破,使一个个区域造假得到根本的治理。
- By holding hearings and Pricing by Province and Shijiazhuang city government approval, eventually determine the price adjustment in the program. 通过召开听证会,并经省物价局和石家庄市政府批准,最终确定了此次调价方案。
- Cina Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Shijiazhuang City, Xinhua Dongying Distretto di Dongying Villaggio zona industriale paese ricco fabbrica di scarpe. 公司地址:中国河北石家庄市石家庄市新华区东营村东营工业区国富鞋厂.
- The CAPPS(City Air Pollution Prediction System) was used to simulate the air pollutant index of the primary air pollutants(SO 2 NO x TSP) in Shijiazhuang City . 应用 CAPPS城市大气污染潜势和污染指数预报系统 ,对石家庄市主要大气污染物 ( SO2 、NOx、TSP)的污染指数 ( API )进行模拟分析。
- Wu Xianguo, the Communist Party chief of Shijiazhuang City, the epicenter of the national dairy industry tremor in northern Hebei Province, was also sacked on Monday. 周一,王现国,石家庄市委书记,石家庄在河北省得北部国家乳制品加工业中心,也被撤职。
- In 1953, Bethune, dwarkanath's coffin moved to Shijiazhuang City in north China Military martyrs cemetery, cemeteries and other buildings are still intact. 1953年,白求恩、柯棣华的灵柩移至石家庄市华北军区烈士陵园,墓地和其它建筑仍保持原状。
- County office is located in southern Hebei Province, located in West Fuming Plain, 100 kilometers away from Shijiazhuang City, Xingtai City, 20 kilometers away. 任县位于河北省南部,地处滏西平原,距石家庄市100公里,距邢台市20公里。
- Changshan war: war Changshan team from Zhengding County, Hebei Province, Shijiazhuang City, South East Rural cattle Yangcun 40 farmers composed of amateur drummer. 常山战鼓:常山战鼓队是由河北省石家庄市正定县南牛乡东杨村40名农民业余鼓手组成。
- The pilot-scale supercritical water oxidation (SCWO) reactor was used to treat the high-concentration landfill leachate from a landfill site in Shijiazhuang City. 采用超临界水氧化反应中试装置对石家庄市某垃圾填埋场的高浓度垃圾渗滤液进行处理。
- A celebration of the unveiling of the name tablet of Jinde Charities and the tenth anniversary of Vocation and Education Fund (VEF) had been held on July 11-12, 2006 in Beifang Grand Hotel, Shijiazhuang City. 2006年7月11-12日“进德公益”揭牌及“圣召暨教育基金会”成立十周年庆祝会已在石家庄北方大厦举行。
- Shijiazhuang HuaHeng Fittings Co., Ltd., which is located in the Fangcun Industrial District of Shijiazhuang City, is a newtype company combining design, research, manufacture and sales together. 石家庄华亨金具有限公司位于石家庄方村工业区,是一家集设计、开发、生产、销售为一体的新型企业。
- Hotel is located in Shijiazhuang City, the bustling Central Business District, adjacent to the city government, backed by an open plaza, the elegant environment, convenient transportation. 酒店座落在石家庄市繁华的中心商务区,毗邻市政府,背靠开放式广场,环境幽雅,交通便利。
- Lincheng东麓County is located in the Taihang Mountains, Hebei Province, south-west, 350 kilometers south of Beijing, the capital of Shijiazhuang City, 78 kilometers, 54 kilometers north of Xingtai City. 临城县地处太行山东麓,河北省西南部,北距北京市350公里、省会石家庄市78公里,南距邢台市54公里。