- Shibata Toshio 柴田敏夫(1917-),日本人,九州广播株式会社负责人。
- Toshio Kamijo is 42 years old and just loves women. 上条敏夫(益冈彻)今年42岁,是一位难有出头天的地产经纪。
- Shibata sensei has preached today. Compiled Nozomien News. 听柴田先生的说教。翻译园新闻。
- I had a pleasant correspondence with Mr Toshio Suzuki of Studio Ghibli. 我和吉卜力工作室的铃木敏夫先生有段愉快的通信。
- Toshio Murata has received a dollar check from his friend in San Francisco. 村田俊夫收到了他的朋友从旧金山寄来的美元支票。
- Meanwhile, Mei s childhood friend, Shibata Kento, attends a butler school in order to protect her. 而荣仓奈奈和水岛宏都是时下当红的年轻演员,到底他们扮演的小姐和管家会擦出怎样的火花呢?
- Then Shibata Rihito, a good-looking guy appears in front of Mei and humbly says, I m your butler. 为了把芽衣培养成真正的名门淑女,她被送进了著名的圣露琪亚女子学院。
- When he was a student of Kyushu Institute of Design, Toshio Matsumoto was invited as a professor in his University. 当他还是九州艺术工科大学的一位学生时,松本俊夫便应邀在他就读的学校作教授。
- A tragic melodrama about a rickshaw man, Matsu Mifune, loves a married woman named Toshio. 手车夫松五郎是个赌棍酒徒,然而专好抱打不平。
- Toshio Matsumoto was born in 1932, a Japanese film director and experimental film and video artist. 松本俊夫出生于1932年,是一名日本电影导演与实验电影和视频艺术家。
- What's more, Shibata found that brain activity increased 50% in patients with dementia after just twenty minutes with Paro. 研究表明,和机器人之间的互动交流有助于缓解压力,驱散沮丧情绪。
- In August 2005, Mr Toshio Suzuki of Studio Ghibli came with Mr Hayao Miyazaki to talk with me and my son (who controls the trust which owns the Earthsea copyrights). 在2005年的8月,吉卜力工作室的铃木敏夫先生和宫崎吾朗先生一起前来拜访我和我儿子(掌管地海版权的信用)。
- Toshio M,Seigo F, Yoshihiko A.Studies on the constituents Hedysarum polybotrys HAND..-MAZZ[J].Chem Pharm Bull,1984, 32 (8):3267. 陆江海;赵玉英;乔梁;等.;醉鱼草化学成分研究[J]
- Tamua K,Shibata Y,Matauda Y,et al.Isolation and characterization of an immunosuppressive acidic protein from ascitic fluids of cancer patients[J].Cancer Res,1981,41 (10) :3244. 刘明佳;吴军;包平;等.;癌症病人血清中免疫抑制酸性蛋白的测定[J]
- General Toshio Tamogami, head of Japan's air force, lost his job after writing an essay seeking to justify Japan's role in the second world war. 日本空军司令田母神俊雄在撰写一篇关于日本在二战中角色合法化的论文后,被撤职。
- H.Yasui, M. Shibata, "An innovative approach to reduce excess sludge production in the activated sludge process," Water Science and Technology, vol. 30, no. 9, 1994, pp. 11-12. 日本下水道事业团技术开发部,污泥减量化技术评鑑开发报告书,日本琦玉县,日本下水道事业团技术开发部,2005年4月。
- Graduated from Tokyo University, Toshio Matsumoto is a pioneer of avant-garde experimental movies, multimedia, and video art in Japan. 松本俊夫毕业于东京大学,是日本前卫实验电影、多媒体和视频艺术的先驱。
- Claire Redfield "Resident Evil : Degeneration" (in Japanese version) Song : Pool of Dreams Vocal : Tomoko Shibata Composer : Noriyuki Asakura List of libraries : ja.wikipedia.org more tags : TENCHU 天诛 东 忍 力丸 彩女 东紫云斎 郷田松之信 関谷直忠 菊姫 龙丸 蝉丸 鬼阴...
- After the screening we went to have dinner at my son's house. Elinor the corgi behaved with great propriety, while Mr Toshio Suzuki did headstands on the lawn. 在放映会后我们到我儿子的家共进晚餐。威尔斯产的小狗Elinor表现的非常适当,而铃木敏夫先生则在草坪上倒立。
- He studied in Kyushu Institute of Design, and worked as an associate professor with Toshio Matsumoto.Now he is working as a professor in Kyoto Seika University. 他曾在九州艺术工科大学学习,之后作为副教授与松本俊夫一道工作,现为京都精华大学教授。