- Shibata Minoru 柴田实(1906-),日本人,史学教授。
- Shibata sensei has preached today. Compiled Nozomien News. 听柴田先生的说教。翻译园新闻。
- S. Shin-ini, K. Minoru, K. aiko and I. Tadashi, “Immersive InterSpace System,” NTT R&D, Vol. 47, pp. 495-500 (1998). 郑薇芬,“改良式超音波头控摇杆系统之研制”,硕士论文,逢甲大学自动控制工程研究所,2004年。
- We see Chieko tell Minoru she wants to go to Tokyo and start a new life with Takeru. 千惠子告诉秀她想去东京与健开始新的生活。
- Meanwhile, Mei s childhood friend, Shibata Kento, attends a butler school in order to protect her. 而荣仓奈奈和水岛宏都是时下当红的年轻演员,到底他们扮演的小姐和管家会擦出怎样的火花呢?
- The police call Chieko's death an accident, but soon after Minoru cracks -- and confesses his guilt. 警察将这一事件认定为意外,但很快,秀承认了自己的罪行。
- Then Shibata Rihito, a good-looking guy appears in front of Mei and humbly says, I m your butler. 为了把芽衣培养成真正的名门淑女,她被送进了著名的圣露琪亚女子学院。
- MINORU Yoshida,OSAMU Tada,HASHIME Joe.Programming of the Engine Control Unit by the C Language[C].SAE Paper 960047. 汤子瀛,杨成忠.;计算机操作系统[M]
- Early in 1989, he and Minoru Arakawa of Nintendo went to Moscow to license the rights to the video game. 在1989年年初,他和任天堂的荒川实一道前往莫斯科去购买游戏的版权。
- What's more, Shibata found that brain activity increased 50% in patients with dementia after just twenty minutes with Paro. 研究表明,和机器人之间的互动交流有助于缓解压力,驱散沮丧情绪。
- Griffiths, Paul J. and John Keenan, Buddha Nature :A Festschrift in Honor of Minoru Kiyota, Tokyo : Buddhist Books International, 1990. 本书为准备清田实教授退休的纪念集(但至目前尚未退休),收有十篇由其弟子写的关于如来藏/佛性的文章,值得参考。
- Ono Tetsuhiro,Aramaki Minoru,Ushirogouthi Etuo Process for preparing anhydrous aluminium fluoride: US,4070447[P]1978-01-24. 唐仲友;李月秋;黄文辉;等一种生产砂粉状无水或含水氟化铝的方法:中国专利;1590299[P].;2005-03-09
- Griffiths, Paul J. and John Keenan, Buddha Nature : A Festschrift in Honor of Minoru Kiyota, Tokyo : Buddhist Books International, 1990. 本文为黎惠伦于其多篇有关中国佛教的英文论着中,少数讨论佛性思想的文章之一。
- Tamua K,Shibata Y,Matauda Y,et al.Isolation and characterization of an immunosuppressive acidic protein from ascitic fluids of cancer patients[J].Cancer Res,1981,41 (10) :3244. 刘明佳;吴军;包平;等.;癌症病人血清中免疫抑制酸性蛋白的测定[J]
- On the stand, Minoru recants his confession: When Chieko fell on the bridge, he says, he tried to help her up, but she slipped off. 但法庭上,秀否认了自己先前的证词:千惠子要掉下去的时候他试着拉她上来,但是没有成功。
- H.Yasui, M. Shibata, "An innovative approach to reduce excess sludge production in the activated sludge process," Water Science and Technology, vol. 30, no. 9, 1994, pp. 11-12. 日本下水道事业团技术开发部,污泥减量化技术评鑑开发报告书,日本琦玉县,日本下水道事业团技术开发部,2005年4月。
- Claire Redfield "Resident Evil : Degeneration" (in Japanese version) Song : Pool of Dreams Vocal : Tomoko Shibata Composer : Noriyuki Asakura List of libraries : ja.wikipedia.org more tags : TENCHU 天诛 东 忍 力丸 彩女 东紫云斎 郷田松之信 関谷直忠 菊姫 龙丸 蝉丸 鬼阴...
- Takeshi Morita,Minoru Kuribayashi Kurosawa,Toshiro Higuchi.A micro ultrasonic motor fabricated by hydrothermal method[C].1998 IEEE Ultrasonic Symposium. 上羽贞行;富川义郎.;超声波马达理论与应用[M]
- Minoru Morimoto, Japan's commissioner to the International Whaling Commission,says: “There are enough whales for those who want to watch them and those whowant to eat them. 日本驻国际捕鲸委员会的代表森本实表示:“目前鲸的数量已经能满足观看它们的人和食用它们的人的需要。”
- Hiroyuki Furukawa, Tsuyoshi Shimamura, Tomomi Suzuki, Masahiko Taniguchi, Kenichiro Yamashita, Minoru Ohta, Toshiya Kamiyama, Michiaki Mastushita, Satotu Todo. 器官移植再生医学部,北海道大学医学院,札幌,北海道,日本;器官移植部,北海道大学附属医院,札幌,北海道,日本;