- Exceptionally well groomed and presented. 着装整齐,长相端正.
- They chose him for the job because he always looks so well groomed. 他们选他担任该职务,因为他总是衣冠整齐。
- Paitient VII:Miss Suellen, is she well? 伤员七:苏伦小姐好吗?
- They would be turned out agreeable, well groomed and able to take part in intelligent discussion on any subject. 他们将变得举止文雅,修饰得体,能就任何题目进行有见解的讨论。
- The clothes should be neat, be well groomed, and be dressed right for the job involved. 服装应整齐干净,与所谋求的职业相适应。
- Be immaculately clean, well groomed, and in appropriate business attire at all times when on the job. 在全部工作时间,穿着合适的职业服装,适当的修饰,极其整洁。
- Whatever she be right or wrong, she well have my unswerving support. 不管她是对是错,都会得到我坚定不移的支持。
- When you apply, your attire should be neat and tidy, hair and fingernails well groomed and your shoes moderate. 当你去面试的时候,你的衣服要干净整洁,头发、指甲都要修剪好,要穿适合的鞋子。
- The tennis champion was obviously out for blood and she best her opponent in two straight sets. 这位网球冠军显然决心取胜,她连续两局击败了对手。
- P arents are responsible for e nsuring that their children wear proper attire and are well groomed for the day. 家长有责任确保孩子穿着恰当校服。
- He was untidy now, where once he had been well groomed, and it took all Pork's scandalized arguing even to make him change his linen before supper. 他从前修饰得整整齐齐,干干净净,可现在显得邋遢起来了。 连波克要他在晚餐前换件衬衫,也得大吵半天。
- To ensure that service staff are at their stations, and are well groomed, wearing clean and pressed uniforms at all times. 保证员工到位,随时保持良好的仪容仪表。
- "What's seen as attractive now is to look well groomed and cute," said hairdresser Yuko Shimizu of the afloat-f salon in Tokyo's trendy Aoyama district. 就连有着“日本麦当娜”之称的流行乐歌手滨崎步也将自己具有标志性的金黄色头发还原成了富有光泽的黑色。
- Keep yourself well groomed. 把你自己打扮得整洁些。
- Although we had been apart for near to twenty years,and I did not know how I myself may have changed,the image of Peanuts in my mind was always that of a well groomed young man from a wealthy family. 虽然彼此别近二十年,我自己也不知变成了什么样子了。但是我想像中的落花生,总以为还是一个翩翩佳公子。
- Is she well enough to travel? 她身体康复, 能够旅行了吗?
- Look neat and well groomed. 仪容端庄,服饰整洁。
- Her groom was much older than she was. 她的新郎比她大很多。
- He should be well groomed. 他应该很好地修饰。
- Her sympathies were ever with that under-world of toil from which she had so recently sprung, and which she best understood. 她自己刚从那个苦海里跳出来,对此当然深有体会。