- Inversion results of field data indicate that OCCAM algorithm is characterized by good stability, high accuracy and strong resolution, and can automatically invert shear wave velocity and thickness. 实测资料试算结果表明:用OCCAM算法对低速软弱夹层瞬态瑞雷波频散曲线进行反演,不但具有稳定性好、精度高、分辨能力强的特点,而且能自动分层和反演地层参数。
- Principle of saturated sand cyclic liquefaction evaluation by shear wave velocity was presented. 摘要介绍了应用剪切波速判别饱和砂土振动液化的原理;
- Classification of engineering site sort, reassessment of saturated sandy soil liquefaction and subsoil earthquake response analysis all depend on subsoil shear wave velocity. 建筑场地类别划分、地基饱和砂土液化判别、地震反应分析等都依赖于剪切波速,由于其重要性,对它的测定技术和精确程度应重点研究。
- Tokimatsu Kohji and Akihiko Uchida,“Correlation Between Liquefaction Resistance and Shear Wave Velocity,”Soils and Foundations,Japan,Vol. 30, No.2,pp33-42(1990). 陈瑞禾,“现地试验评估黏土初始剪力模数之初步研究”,硕士论文,国立台湾大学土木工程研究所,台北。
- The correlation between cyclic liquefaction resistance of undisturbed and remolded saturated loose silts was studied using the cyclic triaxial apparatus with measurements of shear wave velocity. 摘要采用剪切波速与振动三轴联合试验装置,研究了具有松散结构的原状和重塑饱和粉土抗液化强度之间的相关性。
- In order to study the correlation between shear wave velocity of soils and their triaxial shear test mechanics index,a new transducer is developed on the basis of torsion vibration principle. 为了研究土的剪切波速与其三轴剪切试验力学指标之间的关系,依据扭剪振动原理,开发出一种测试三轴压力室内土样剪切波速的传感器。
- Keywords P-SV wave;Shear wave statics;Rayleigh wave;Velocity inversion;gridding; SV波;横波静校正量;瑞雷面波;速度反演;网格化;
- shear wave velocity of soil sample 土样剪切渡速
- shear wave velocity of soil specimen 土样剪切波速
- Through the velocities of shear wave before and after liquefaction are contrasted, it is shown that the ratio of shear wave velocity before and after liquefaction increases with liquefaction developing, and then trends toward constance. 通过对液化前后剪切波速的对比观测 ,对于 4种情况下的液化观测表明 ,随着液化程度的增加 ,剪切波速液化 (液化前 /液化后 )的比值也在增加 ,并增加到一定程度时变化值趋于稳定。
- A New Device to Measure the Shear Wave Velocity of Soil Samples 一种在三轴压力室内测试土样剪切波速的新装置
- ratio of compressional wave velocity to shear wave velocity 纵横波速度比
- the ratio of the compressional wave velocity to shear wave velocity 纵横波速度比
- Study on Shear Wave Velocity and Generalized Effective Stress Analysis 剪切波速的试验研究及广义有效应力分析
- The general statement on shear wave velocity structure research methods 剪切波速度结构研究方法综述
- Critical shear wave velocity of liquefied stratum under random seismic stress 随机地震力作用下可液化土层的临界剪切波速
- In the paper, the wave ray path formula is obtained by the Euler equation in the continuousstratified medium. Through the use of the formula, we derive the velocity inversion formula forthe VSP data processing. 本文根据欧拉方程对于连续性层状介质进行了方程推导,得出一个波传播的射线路径公式,利用路径公式导出了VSP资料处理中的速度反演公式。
- Study on shear wave velocities in expansive soils of Hefei 合肥膨胀土剪切波速的特征分析
- The precision and reliability of seismic velocity inversion are affected by data processing, frequency bandwidth, and low frequency velocity compensation. “三高”处理的优劣、频带宽度、速度低频成分的缺失都会影响地震速度反演的精度和可靠性。