- The shear bond strength of titanium and its alloys with SOLIDEX veneering resin. 钛钛合金牙粘结复合树脂。
- Silane coupling agents Etching and Sandblasting all had significant influence on shear bond strength of ceramic to resin. 本实验还初步探索了树脂粘结剂机械强度对其与瓷粘结强度的影响。
- Objective To study the tensile and shear bond strength of resin-reinforced glass ionomer cement(RGIC) on orthodontic brackets. 目的探讨两种树脂加强型玻璃离子水门汀对托槽粘结强度的影响。
- The groups conditioned with 10% polyacrylic acid showed significantly lower shear bond strength value, and the unconditioned groups had the lowest bondstrengths. 对于每一种酸蚀剂,无论在干燥环境和水污染环境下粘接时未见报道有显著不同。
- Based on the 21 specimen of AFRP concrete under different temperature,an test was designed and conducted to investigate the effect of temperature on the shear bond strength. 用21个试件,测定了芳纶复合材料(AFRP)与混凝土之间的抗剪粘结强度,通过改变温度,研究了温度对AFRP与混凝土间抗剪切粘结强度的影响。
- Analyses of the stress distribution on the coating/substrate interface indicated that significant errors would be introduced if this test standard were used to determine coating shear bond strength. 通过对涂层/基体交界面上的应力分布的分析表明,采用这一试验方法测定涂层剪切结合强度将会造成较大的误差。
- There were no statistical differences between the shear bond strengths of carbon fiber post (2.4MPa) and cast Ni-Cr alloy post (3.8MPa). 剪切粘结强度 (MPa) :碳纤维桩 (2 4 )、镍铬合金桩 (3 8) ,IPS Empress 2全瓷桩未与水门汀分离前断裂。
- Objective To investigate the influence of different porcelain surface treatment methods on the shear bond strength of metal brackets bonded to porcelain. 目的研究瓷表面不同处理方法对金属托槽与瓷修复体的粘接强度及去粘接后瓷面完整性的影响。
- There were no significant differences statistically both in shear bond strengths( t=1.542, P >0.05) and in ARI scores ( Hc=0.000, P >0.05) between the two kinds of bracket bases. 两种底板托槽之间的抗剪切强度比较 ;差异无显著性(t=1.;5 4 2;P >0
- Shear bond strength of all-ceramic cement to dentin 全瓷粘接剂对牙本质的粘接抗剪强度考察
- Keywords AFRP;the shear bond strength;temperature; 芳纶复合材料;抗剪切粘结强度;温度;
- Objective To investigate the directionality of shear bond strength of resin adhesions on hard tissues of human teeth;detecting the micro-morphological changes of bonding interface by SEM. 目的 考察牙科树脂类粘接剂与人牙体硬组织剪切粘接强度的方向性,并利用扫描电镜观察微观形态变化。
- Comparison of the shear bond strength of three nonmetal brackets 三种非金属托槽抗剪切强度比较
- A study of shear bond strength of recycled metal brackets 金属托槽再次粘结后的剪切强度评价
- Keywords Porcelain reapiring Sandblast Shear bond strength ; 崩瓷修复;喷砂;剪切粘接强度;
- Keywords adhesive;shear bond strength(SBS);enamel;dentin; 粘合剂;剪切粘结强度;牙釉质;牙本质;
- Keywords Nonmetal bracket Shear bond strength Orthodontics; 非金属托槽;剪切粘接强度;正畸;
- Keywords orthodontics;fluoride foam;etch;shear bond strength; 关键词正畸;氟化泡沫;酸蚀;抗剪切强度;