- She said some daring(ie bold and possibly shocking)things. 她说了一些泼天大胆的话.
- She said some very unpleasant things about you. 她说了你一些坏话。
- She said some offensive remarks. 她说了一些令人不快的话。
- She said some people gave toys like teddy bears which are not easy to store or handle. 她表示有人送给她们像泰迪熊之类的礼物,造成她们在处理或保管方面的困难。
- When my husband asked why some children die young, She said some children come to claim debts from their parents while some may be saints coming to help their parents. 丈夫问为何有些小孩早死。师父说那些小孩,有些是来要父母还债的,有些是圣人来帮父母的。
- She said some seven televisions, 15 stereos, three telephones and countless bottles of schnapps had been stolen from the "Tages-Bar" in the eastern district of Treptow. 布丽奇特说,酒吧里的7台电视机、15台立体声音响、3部电话和无数瓶酒被抢走。她还说:“在今年1月的那次抢劫中,劫匪们竟然在酒吧里打起了黄色热线电话。”
- Rowling said some characters will die in the last book, but wouldn't say if the boy wizard is among them: "It's not a bloodbath, but it's more than two," she said. 罗琳说一些角色会在最后一集中死去。但是她没说这位魔法少年是否是其中的一个。尽管不是大杀戮,但死的人不止两个。
- She said the selfsame thing to me. 她对我讲的是完全一样的事情。
- During the fever he become delirious and say some strange thing. 发高烧时他神志昏迷,说了些稀奇古怪的事。
- The idea amused Jo, who liked to do daring things. 这个主竟使裘很得意。她就喜欢做胆大妄为的事情。
- On the other hand, she says some areas will have too little water and prolonged drought will affect the kind of crops people normally grow. 另一方面;她认为一些地区将面临缺水情况;而长期的干旱将对人类赖以生存的粮食作物产生严重的负面影响.
- During the fever he became delirious and said some strange things. 发高烧时他神志昏迷,说了些稀奇古怪的事。
- You've got to scrape up some courage, some daring. 你要竭力鼓起点勇气,鼓起点胆量来。
- "How dare you!" she said, her voice stifled. “你竟敢这样
- He leaned over the table to hear what she said. 他隔桌探身想听清她说了些什么。
- Said some hard things that I won't forget. 说了些令我不能忘却的严厉的事情
- The child would answer back to all she said. 她说什么这孩子都要回嘴。
- She said she would take her revenge on Tom. 她说她要向汤姆报仇。
- He said some very hard things to me. 他对我说了些很不近人情的话。
- The policeman noted down every word she said. 警察把她说的每句话都记了下来。