- She never wears jewellery. 她从不戴首饰。
- She never wears jeans or trainers. 她从来不穿牛仔裤和运动鞋。
- She never wears clothes made of coarse material. 她从来不穿粗布衣服。
- She never wears green. 她从不穿绿色的衣服。
- She never wears make-up. 她从来不搽化妆品。
- She never wears jewelry. 她从不戴首饰。
- She is always so surly; she never smiles at anyone. 她总是那麽个坏脾气,对谁也没有一个笑脸。
- At that time she was very skinny, she felt that her arm was thin as bamboo, not so pretty, she never wore short sleeves. 那时,她因为人瘦,觉得自己的手臂像竹枝,不好看,所以绝少穿露肩露臂服装。
- Unlike some secretaries, she never wore cheap glass jewelry. Her dress was grey and plain, but it fitted her body nicely. 她不像其他秘书那样,从不戴廉价的玻璃首饰。她的衣服偏灰色而淡雅,但却十分合体。
- She never wore makeup. 她从来不着脂粉。
- She never wore it. 她从没有穿过它。
- She claims she never sought the limelight. 她说她从不爱出风头。
- She never bothered about clothes. 她从不在穿着上费心思。
- I decided to clear all the old clothes that we never wear. 我决定清理掉所有从来不穿的旧衣服。
- She never laughed and became very sullen. 她再也没有笑过,变得郁郁寡欢。
- She never reads a book but she goes to sleep. 她一看书就想睡觉。
- She never so much as said "Thanks". 她甚至不说一个"谢"字。
- He never wears jeans or sweaters. 他从不穿牛仔裤和毛衣。
- She was proud that she never talked with a Yankee. 她很骄傲她从来没有和北方佬说过话。
- She's so disorganized she never gets anything done. 她太缺乏条理了,什麽事也做不成。