- She wrinkled her nose at the bad smell . 闻到不好的气味,她皱起了鼻子。
- She wrinkled her nose in disgust. 她厌恶地皱起鼻子。
- She wrinkled her nose at the bad smell. 闻到臭气,她皱起了鼻子。
- She wrinkled her nose at the smell. 她闻到这气味就皱起了鼻子。
- She wrinkled her nose in disgust at the smell of urine. 她闻到一股尿味,恶心地皱起了鼻子。
- At the mention of the so-called brilliant scheme,she wrinkled her nose in disdain. 听了那所谓的妙计之后; 她皱鼻子表示不屑.
- At the mention of the so-called brilliant scheme,she wrinkled her nose in disdain. . 听了那所谓的妙计之后; 她皱鼻子表示不屑.
- She wrinkled her nose. 她皱起鼻头。
- She wrinkled up her nose in distaste. 她厌恶地皱起鼻子。
- She wrinkled her brows in concentration. 她蹙额皱眉, 陷入沉思。
- She wrinkled her freckled little nose in anger and swiped away her chestnut brown hair. 她生气地皱了皱长着雀斑的小鼻子,拨弄了一下她那栗色的头发。
- Other usages: wrinkled her nose in disdain. 皱鼻子以示不屑。
- The English woman wrinkled her nose and snorted, "You Americans! 那个英国妇女抽动了一下鼻子然后说道:“你们这些美国人!
- As the smell of crisp fresh pork came to her, Scarlett wrinkled her nose appreciatively, hoping that by the time it was cooked she would feel some appetite. 当新鲜爽口的猪肉味传来,思佳丽欣赏地皱起鼻子使劲闻了闻,希望开宴时烤肉能引起自己一些食欲。
- Suellen, behind her mother's hack, wrinkled her nose triumphantly at Scarlett, who had been planning to beg the necklace for herself. 苏伦在她母亲背后向思嘉得意地耸了耸鼻子,因为做姐姐的正打算恳求戴那条项链呢。
- Wrinkled her nose in disdain. 皱鼻子表示不屑
- She turned her nose up at my small donation. 她嫌我捐赠微薄而嗤之以鼻。
- She walked past us with her nose in the air. 她从我们身旁走过,神气得鼻孔朝天。
- She sniffed them and wrinkled up her nose in disgust. 她皱了皱鼻子,厌恶地嗤之以鼻。
- The child pressed her nose against the window. 那小女孩把鼻子贴在窗户上。