- She wept with emotion. 她感动地哭了起来。
- She wept bitter tears over her lost youth. 她为自己逝去的青春痛苦地流泪。
- She wept bitterly at parting with him. 她因要和他分手了,哭得十分伤心。
- The wife was so touched by this gesture that she wept with joy over the outpouring of love shown to her, and everyone present could not help weeping as well. 同修的爱心让那位太太感动得喜极而泣,在场的人无不为之动容。
- She wept bitter tears over the loss of her lover. 她为失去了她的情人而流下痛苦的眼泪。
- She answered in a voice filled with emotion. 她以激动的声音回答。
- She was shaking with emotion[cold]. 她激动得发颤[冷得发抖]。
- She wept at once,with sudden,wild abandonment,in her sister's arms. 她猛地一下倒在姐姐怀里“哇”地一声号啕大哭起来。
- Overcome with emotion, he press her hand and leave her. 他感慨万千,用力握了一下她的手,离开了她。
- The boy threw himself into his mother's arms while she wept for joy. 孩子扑到妈妈怀里,妈妈高兴得流下眼泪。
- Overcome with emotion, he pressed her hand and left her. 他感慨万千,用力握了一下她的手,离开了她。
- The lost boy wept with complete abandon. 这个迷路的孩子号啕大哭。
- She wept to see him in such a state. 她一见他那种情形簌簌泪下。
- The child wept with disappointment. 那孩子失望地哭了。
- The orphan wept with grief over his misfortune. 那个孤儿因为自已不幸的遭遇而悲伤地哭泣。
- "I fell in love," she says,her eyes literally shining with emotion. “我坠入爱河了,”她说着,双眼闪着激动的光。
- She wept when she heard the bad news. 当她听到这个坏消息时哭了。
- When I heard this news I was overcome with emotion. 听了这消息,我激动极了。
- She wept to see him in such a terrible state . 看到他处于那样的惨境,她哭了。
- The child's voice wobbled with emotion. 这孩子的声音因情绪激动而发颤