- She was left a widow. 丈夫去世後她成了寡妇。
- She was left a big fortune by her husband. 她继承了她丈夫遗留的钜额财产。
- Her parents and siblings was slaughtered, and she was left a refugee. 她的双亲和兄弟姐妹遭到屠杀而她则成为了难民。
- And I got to thinking about you being left a widow with a little boy if Mr. Wilkes got hung... 我曾经想过;如果威尔克斯先生被绞死的话;你就要变成一个带着一个小男孩的寡妇了.
- She was getting a bit dotty and could never be left alone. 她越来越见傻,决不可无人照看。
- She was left to sweep up after the party. 聚会结束后她被留下来打扫。
- Sid was left a large sum of money by his aunt. 锡德继承了他姑母的一大笔遗产。
- Now she was left alone with her little child. 现在只剩她和孩子在一起了。
- She was left an orphan and I adopted her. 她沦为孤儿,我收养了她。
- After the death of her first son,Mrs. Custis was left a young widow with great wealth. Custis夫人在第一个儿子死后就成了一个继承了巨额遗产的年轻寡妇。
- I don't know how the story got about that she was leaving. 我不知道她将离去的消息是怎么传播开来的。
- She was left to herself to brood and wonder. 她只有独自一个在那里沉思和惊讶。
- After the death of her first son, Mrs. Custis was left a young widow with great wealth. Custis夫人在第一个儿子死后就成了一个继承了巨额遗产的年轻寡妇。
- She was left feeling exposed and vulnerable. 她感到自己孤立无助,非常脆弱。
- She was a widow in her early thirties, clean, straightforward, energetic and meticulous. 她是三十二三岁的寡妇,干净,爽快,做事麻利又仔细。
- She was left feeling inept and inadequate. 她被弄得感到笨拙无能。
- Her husband died when she was young. Now she has been a widow for 40 years. 她年纪轻轻就失去丈夫,到现在已经是40年的孤孀了。
- I did not pick her up. She was left on my hands. 我没有捡到她。她被留在我手上。
- Tina and Bill are leaving a movie theater. 蒂娜和比尔正从电影院走出来。
- They were leaving a few days later. 过几天他们将要离开。