- She was found guilty of embezzlement. 她被判犯有贪污罪。
- She was found guilty of unprofessional conduct. 她因违反职业道德的行为而被判罪。
- She was found guilty of evading taxes. 她因恶意逃税而被判有罪。
- She was found guilty of homicide. 她被判杀人罪。
- She was found guilty of stealing. 她被判偷窃罪。
- He was found guilty of obstruction. 他被判阻挡犯规。
- She was found guilty, and lost her job in consequence (of it). 她被判有罪,因而失去了工作。
- He was found guilty of molesting a young girl. 他被判猥亵少女罪。
- A police sergeant was set free after being found guilty of peeping at a canteen cashier while she was taking a bath. 一名警长在警署内,意图偷窥一名警署餐厅女收银员洗澡,罪名成立,但获无条件释放。
- She was found guilty of. 她犯有谋杀罪。
- She was found guilty, and lost her job as a consequence of it. 她被判有罪,因而失去了工作。
- She was found guilty of murder. 她被证实犯了谋杀罪。
- She was found guilty, and lost her job in consequence (of it ). 他被判有罪,因而失去了工作。
- Deng was found guilty of intentionally harming others and excessive defence, but the court said she was exempt from punishment on the grounds of diminished responsibility, the report said. 报道说,邓被判有罪,故意伤害他人和过度防卫,但是法庭说她基于(精神失常等原因)减轻的责任,免除处罚。
- WDeng was found guilty of intentionally harming others and excessive defence, but the court said she was exempt from punishment on the grounds of diminished responsibility, the report said. 报道说,邓被判有罪,故意伤害他人和过度防卫,但是法庭说她基于(精神失常等原因)减轻的责任,免除处罚。
- He was found guilty of embezzlement. 他被判盗用公款罪.
- She was found guilty on all counts. 她被判各项罪名成立。
- He was found guilty of gross dereliction of duty. 他被判严重玩忽职守.
- Cashier was found guilty of peculation and removed from his post. 出纳员被发现犯了盗用公款罪便被解除了职务。
- He was found guilty of embezzling $150000 of public funds. 他被判犯有盗用15万元公款罪。