- She turned white with rage. 她气得脸色发白。
- She turned white with fear. 她因害怕而脸色变得苍白。
- The little prince was now white with rage. 小王子当时气得脸色发白。
- Seeing the man at the doorway, she turned white as a sheet. 一看到门口那个男人,她脸色立刻变得很苍白。
- Tony Redmond was glaring after him, his face contorted, white with rage. 托尼?雷德蒙怒视着他,脸变了形,气得刷白。
- Tony Redmond was glaring after him, his face contorted, white with rage . 托尼?雷德蒙怒视着他,脸变了形,气得刷白。
- When she suddenly saw a shadow near the window, she turned white in terror. 当她看到窗边一个黑影时吓得脸色发青。
- Then she heard his step on the stair away down on the first flight, and she turned white for just a moment. 接着,她听见下面楼梯上响起了他的脚步声,她紧张得脸色失去了一会儿血色。
- Then she heard his step on the stair away down on the first flight, and she turned white for just a moment . 后来她听到丈夫在楼梯上飞快的第一步,而她正是在这一刹那脸色变白了。
- Then his step on the stair away down on the forst flight ,and she turned white for just a moment. 随后,她听到楼下梯级上响起了他啊的脚步声,她紧张得脸色发白。
- She was seething with rage at his remarks. 他的评论把她气得火冒三丈。
- Miles turned white with fear. 迈尔斯吓得脸色苍白。
- His face turned purple with rage. 他气得脸色发紫。
- She was seething (with rage) at his remarks. 对於他的说法,她(气得)火冒三丈。
- People go red, pale, or white with anger, blue with cold, green with seasickness or envy, purple with rage. 人们因生气而脸色变红,变得苍白,或变得煞白,脸冻得发紫,由于晕船或妒嫉而脸色发青,由于狂怒而脸色发紫。
- The man's face was puce with rage. 那人的脸都气紫了。
- He fumed with rage because she did not appear. 因为她没出现,所以他大发雷霆。
- He turned white with amazement. 他害怕得脸都苍白了。
- He was completely tongue-tied with rage. 他气得一句话也讲不出来。
- She turned the chair on its side to repair it. 她把椅子翻转过来修理。