- She seethe with indignation. 她由于愤怒而不能平静。
- Public opinions were seething with indignation. 于是,社会舆论哗然。
- She bristled with indignation at the thought. 她对这想法感到恼火。
- She was breathless with indignation. 她愤愤不平,气呼呼的。
- She was seething with rage at his remarks. 他的评论把她气得火冒三丈。
- She was blazing with indignation,ie was extremely angry. 她勃然大怒.
- She was blazing with indignation, ie was extremely angry. 她勃然大怒.
- Such a humiliation filled me with indignation. 这种污辱使我感到极其愤慨。
- His face reddened with indignation. 他的脸因气愤而涨红。
- Such humiliation filled us with indignation. 这一侮辱使我们极为气愤。
- He was boiling over with indignation. 他怒气冲冲。
- Her face reddened with indignation. 她的脸因气愤而涨红。
- The press boiled over with indignation. 报上舆论大哗。
- The country was seething with political unrest. 该国政治动乱四起。
- He flushed crimson with indignation. 他因愤怒而脸红。
- He became vocal with indignation. 他因愤慨而发言。
- He was consuming with indignation, real or feigned. 他大发雷霆,不知是真的还是假的。
- She seethed silently in the corner. 她在角落里默默地生闷气。
- He was boiling with indignation. 他怒火中烧。
- The Templar caste as a whole, and the zealots in particular, seethe with shame at this dishonor. 毫无疑问,这对具有极强荣誉感的圣堂武士来说是一种极大的侮辱。