- She runs the whole show. 她负责全部业务。
- Whatever you do,don't let Jane in on the act or she'll want to run the whole show! 你无论干什么事都不要让简参加,不然她就会操纵把持整个事情!
- Whatever you do, don't let Jane in on the act or she'll want to run the whole show! 你无论干什么事都不要让简参加,不然她就会操纵把持整个事情!
- She run the whole gamut of the emotions from a to b. 她经历了从A到B的情绪(激动)的整个范围。
- She ran the whole gamut of the emotions from A to B. 她的经历了从A到B的情绪(激动)的整个范围。
- He's the chief, in charge of the whole show. 他是主管,负责全盘工作。
- He runs the whole gamut of dissipation. 他干尽了放荡的事儿。
- She ran the tape back after hearing it. 他听完磁带后把它倒了回来。
- She runs the business by herself. 她自己经营这项生意。
- She runs the post office and general store. 她经营这家邮局和杂货店。
- It sets the tone for the whole show. 它决定了整个展览的气氛。
- You're the whole show just because you get all A's. 仅凭所有功课成绩都是优秀,你就成了顶尖人物。
- For some time people had been muttering about the way she ran the department. 人们对她的管理方式私下抱怨已有时日。
- He's run the whole gamut of human experience. 他已经历尽人间沧桑。
- Run the whole gamut of human experience. 尝够了人生的甜酸苦辣。
- We seem to be the whole show here. 我们在这儿好像成了核心人物了。
- She ran the family and her husband stood back. 她当家,她的丈夫不过问家务。
- He's the chief,in charge of the whole show. 他是主管,负责全盘工作。
- By killing off her brand-creating show and diluting her personal contribution across an entire network, she runs the risk of enraging her fans. 温芙蕾的离开是冒着激怒自己粉丝的危险,抹灭创造其个人品牌的脱口秀节目以及通过整个网络冲淡自己的个人贡献。
- Every reporter who wants to run the whole newspaper has to go through the mill first so that he can learn the job the hard way. 每个有意统筹经营整个报纸的新闻记者都得首先受到磨炼、经历艰难困苦才能学会这一门。