- She repented of her sins. 她忏悔自己的罪孽。
- And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not. 我曾给她悔改的机会,她却不肯悔改她的淫行。
- She soon repented of her hastymarriage. 她很快就对自己草率的婚事后悔了。
- She soon repented of her hasty marriage. 她很快就对自己草率的婚事后悔了。
- The priest gave the woman absolution of her sins. 牧师赦免了这妇女的罪过。
- I have given her time to repent of her immorality, but she is unwilling. 我曾给她悔改的机会,她却不肯悔改她的淫行。
- Rev. 2:21 And I gave her time that she might repent, and she is not willing to repent of her fornication. 启二21我曾给她时间,让她悔改,她却不肯悔改她的淫行。
- She deeply repented of having deceived her husband. 她为欺骗了丈夫而深感忏悔。
- Her illness was caused by her karmic offenses.If she truly repented of her past mistakes and reformed, she had a one in ten thousand chance of getting well. 本来我当时吩咐她,等病好了之后,她能有钱买飞机票,可以到美国来出家修道,这是要病好了。
- I repent of my kindness to her, since she was so rude to me in return. 我后悔不该善待她,因为她反而那么粗鲁地对待我。
- The story of her sin was also told to the little children, and they called her “wicked Inge,” and said she was so naughty that she ought to be punished. 有人说:“可怜的英娥!”
- He repented of his sins just hours before he died. 在他死前几小时他忏悔了他的罪过。
- Age and wedlock we all desire and repent of. 成年与婚姻,均为我辈所欲,亦为我辈所悔。
- She deemed in her crime most to be repented of, that she had ever endured and reciprocated the lukewarm grasp of his hand, and had suffered the smile of her lips and eyes to mingle and melt into his own. 她认为,她以前竟然忍受并回握了他那不冷不热的篡握,竟然以自己眉眼和嘴唇的微笑来迎合他的笑意,实在是她最应追悔的罪过。
- She is in the primrose of her life. 她正处在她一生的最盛期。
- Sin in both covenants must be repented of. 无论在旧约或新约的罪,都必需悔改。
- The husband will be innocent of any wrongdoing, but the woman will bear the consequences of her sin. 男人就为无罪,妇人必担当自己的罪孽。
- And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. 我又听见从天上有声音说,我的民哪,你们要从那城出来,免得与他一同有罪,受他所受的灾殃。
- She deemed it her crime most to be repented of, that she had ever endured, and reciprocated, the lukewarm grasp of his hand, and had suffered the smile of her lips and eyes to mingle and melt into his own. 她认为,她以前竟然忍受并回握了他那不冷不热的篡握,竟然以自己眉眼和嘴唇的微笑来迎合他的笑意,实在是她最应追悔的罪过。
- She could only croak because of her heavy cold. 她因患重感冒只能用沙哑的声音说话。