- She said that she lived alone with her mother. 她说她单独和母亲住在一起。
- She lived alone in the house for a whole winter. 她独自一人在这所房子里过了一冬。
- When she lived alone in the big house,Nancy was high string and often had nightmare. 南茜独自一人住在那所大房子里时,神经非常紧张,常做恶梦。
- When she lived alone in the big house Nancy was high-strung and often had nightmares. 南茜独自一人住在那所大房子里时,神经非常紧张,常做恶梦。
- MY FRIEND There was once a very lovely, very frightened girl. She lived alone except for a nameless cat. 我的朋友那儿曾经有个非常可爱;非常害羞的女孩.;她一个人孤单地住着;除了一只无名的猫
- She lived alone. 她独居。
- She lived her whole life in the country. 她在农村度过一生。
- She lived alone in the house for a whole winter 她独自一人在这所房子里过了一冬
- She lived a lone life after her daughter's death. 她在女儿死後过著孤寂的生活。
- In the latter years of his life he lived alone and never welcomed visitors. 他晚年独居,从不欢迎来访者。
- For years Mary lived alone in New York. 玛丽孤身一人在纽约生活了好几年。
- She left in 1984 and from then on he lived alone. 她于1984年离去,从那时起他便独自一人生活。
- She lived all her life in fortune's lap. 她一生生活在幸福的环境中。
- Mary lived alone, but she didn't feel lonely. 玛丽孤身一人生活,但她并不感到孤独!
- She lived on the sixteenth floor. 她住在十六层楼上。
- She lived a lone life ever since. 她从此过着孤寂的生活。
- Up until the war she had never lived alone. 她在战争爆发前从未独自生活过。
- She lived a careful and frugal life. 她过着谨慎、节俭的生活。
- She lived a genteel, careful, frugal life. 她过著高尚的、谨慎而节俭的生活。
- Living alone unsettled his nerves. 他独自生活,情绪很不稳定。