- She is wearing a short skirt. 她穿着一条短裙。
- She is wearing a beautiful skirt today. 她今天穿着一条漂亮的裙子。
- She is wearing a skirt with brait (或 fringe) around the bottom. 她穿着一条底边镶花边的裙子。
- She is wearing a dotted dress today. 今天她穿一件带圆点的衣服。
- She is wearing a cardinal sweater today. 今天她穿了件鲜红的毛衣。
- She is wearing a ring set with emerald. 她戴著一枚嵌有绿宝石的戒指。
- She is wearing a pert little hat. 她头戴一顶小巧别致的帽子。
- All Tina had to do was to wear a short skirt, and men were falling all over her. 蒂娜所必须做的是穿上短裙,男人们会拜倒在她的脚下。
- She is wearing a skirt with brait (fringe) around the bottom. 她穿着一条底边镶花边的裙子。
- She is wearing a cotton dress and shabby shoes. 她穿着布衣和破旧的鞋。
- Today she is wearing a green blouse and a long, black skirt. 今天她正在穿着一件绿色的宽松上衣和一件黑色的长裙。
- She is wearing a black velvet dress. 她穿着一件黑色天鹅绒连衣裙。
- She wore a short skirt that swayed enchantingly as she walked. 她穿的短裙随着她走动而迷人地摆动着。
- She is wearing a string of beads round her neck. 她脖子上挂了一串珠子。
- She is wearing a strong perfume. 她身上有浓烈的香水味。
- She is wearing a new silk dress. 她穿着一件新的丝绸衣服。
- All Tina had to do was to wear a short skirt,and men were falling all over her. 蒂娜所必须做的是穿上短裙,男人们就会拜倒在她的石榴裙下。
- A baby girl. See. She is wearing a flower. 是女孩。看,她戴着一朵花呢。
- She is wearing a cream-coloured dress today. 她今天穿着奶油色的衣服。
- If she wears a short skirt in her town, she gets stared at every time she goes out. 如果她在她那个小城穿短裙,每次出门会惹得人们盯着看她。