- She is too fond of gossip. 她最爱背地里说人长短。
- She is not the kind of person one can introduce into company; she is too fond of airing her opinions. 她不是那种容易合得来的人,她太爱发表意见了。
- He is too fond of making cheap scores. 他总喜欢投机取巧(压倒别人)。
- He is too fond of airing his opinions. 他太喜欢发表自己的意见了。
- He is too fond of thrusting himself forward. 他太喜欢出风头。
- She is very fond of gossip. 她很爱说别人的闲话。
- She's much too fond of the sound of her own voice. 她总是说个不停。
- She is fond of polite literature. 她喜爱风雅文学。
- She is passionately fond of tennis. 她热爱网球。
- The newspaper is too fond of knocking the England team. 报纸专门爱挖苦英格兰队。
- She is a subject of gossip in the office. 她是办公室里闲谈的对象
- He is a bit too fond of mounting the high horse. 他这个人有点喜欢摆架子。
- She' s much too fond of the sound of her own voice. 她总是说个不停.
- TO begin with, she is too young for that kind of job. 首先,她做这种工作年纪还太轻。
- She's a bit too fond of the bottle. 她有点太爱喝酒了.
- She is excessively fond of music. 她很喜欢音乐。
- She is too little to ride a bicycle. 她太小了,不能骑脚踏车。
- He is too fond of the cup. 他太嗜酒。
- She is fond of collecting stamps. 她喜欢集邮。
- The trouble with her is that she is too headstrong. 她的毛病是太固执。