- She is suffering from swollen glands. 她正患腺体肿胀病。
- She is suffering from fatigue. 她正感到疲劳。
- She is suffering from unspeakable pain. 她在遭受难以形容的痛苦。
- She is suffering from frostbite on her ears. 她的耳朵生了冻疮。
- She is suffering from lack of appetite. 她食欲不振。
- She is suffering from a rare tropical disease. 她患有一种罕见的热带病。
- She is suffering from a lung infection. 她染了肺病。
- She is suffering from food poison these days. 她这些天一直经受着食物中毒的痛苦。
- She is suffering from rheumatism. 她正患风湿症。
- She is suffering from headche and Mother tells her to sleep it off. 她头痛,母亲告诉她睡一睡就会好的。
- She is suffering from headache and I tell her to sleep it off. 她头痛,我告诉她睡一睡就会好的。
- After her long illness she is suffering from general debility. 久病之后,她全身虚弱。
- We is all suffering from fatigue at the end of our journey. 我们到旅程终点时全都累垮了。
- They say she is suffering from an unspecified medical condition and have placed her under house arrest. 他们说希尔顿正身受某种未指明的疾患故将其软禁在家中。
- The village is suffering from a cholera epidemic. 这个村庄正流行霍乱。
- But eventually she went to see her doctor and he told her she is suffering from alopecia. 据传,是在被诊断出患有导致脱发的秃头症后,波特尔才决定留这样一种前卫的新发型。
- The patient is suffering from the rheumatism. 这个病人受到类风湿性关节炎的折磨。
- The boy is suffering from some strange malady. 这男孩患了某种奇怪的病。
- She holds a "Bai Mei", the thumb is Shunzhuo three-month-girl, "she is suffering from congenital heart disease, 10 children in the lightest of the problem. 她抱出一个叫“白梅”,正吮着大拇指的三个月大女孩,“她患的是先天性心脏病,是10个孩子中问题最轻的。”
- We are all suffering from fatigue at the end of our journey. 我们到旅程终点时全都累垮了。