- She is fully at ease. 她坦然自若。
- She is settled at ease by the fire, reading her newspaper. 她舒坦地安坐在火炉边,读着报。
- She is fully entitled to benefits. 她完全有资格领取救济金。
- She is settled at ease by the fire,reading her newspaper. 她舒坦地安坐在火炉边,读着报。
- When she is fully asleep (see limp-limb sign) in the sling, ease her out of the sling onto her bed. 当宝宝完全睡着了(看它四肢是不是都完全软软的耷拉着),再把它放到小床上。
- She is fully as masochistic as he is sadistic, and he braced his knee against her back as he tugged at the laces. 她就像一个受虐狂,而他就像一个虐待狂,丈夫用膝盖顶着妻子的后背,用力拉扯着系带。
- She is always so surly; she never smiles at anyone. 她总是那麽个坏脾气,对谁也没有一个笑脸。
- Nanny Tess is seeing things, and Ash's book debunking such phenomenon makes him a good choice to set her mind at ease and convince her she is just tired and stressed. 剧情透过白人新闻记者戴娜的十三岁女儿莫莉的眼光,观察当时南非社会不人道的特殊状况,以丰富而动人的感情场面来烘托出严肃的主题。
- She was ill at ease for she was stranger there. 她在那人生地不熟,感到很不安。
- Her time is fully occupied with her three children. 她的时间全部用在她的三个孩子身上了。
- She is at best a second-rate singer. 她充其量是个二流歌手。
- To leave the child outwardly alone is not cruel, if inwardly she is fully accepted as she is. 把孩子身体单独留在那并不残酷,但如果把孩子的心单独留在那,她就会接受她当时的状态。
- Her time is fully taken up with writing. 她的时间都用於写作了。
- She is so lucky that she always wins at cards. 她运气实在是好,打牌总是赢。
- With our work done, we felt much at ease. 工作做完后,我们觉得好轻松。
- He is fully genned up on the new project. 他充分了解新工程的情况。
- I never feel at ease in his company. 我同他一起从未感到轻松过。
- She is fully awake and has chosen to ascend and will not tolerate any more war or raping of her resources, polluting of her air, water or land. 她是彻底觉醒并已选择提升而且将不会容忍任何更大的战争或者掠夺她的资源,污染她的空气,水或陆地。
- He is fully alive to the possible dangers. 他充分注意到会有危险。
- She is a good listener at class. 在课堂上,她是个认真听讲的人。