- She is a nice nurse. 她是一个好护士。
- She is a rather nice girl /rather a nice girl. 她是位相当漂亮的姑娘。
- She looks very beautiful. She is a nice girl. 她看上去很漂亮,是一个不错的女孩。
- She is a nice person but a bit too childish. 她人不错,只是太幼稚了一点。
- She is a nice girl; her fit of temper is indeed out of character. 她是一个温文和善的姑娘;她突然大发脾气真是出人意料。
- She is a nice girl; her fit of temper was indeed out of character. 她是一个温文和善的姑娘;她突然大发脾气真是出人意料。
- She is not very clever, but otherwise she's a nice girl. 她并不聪明,但在其他方面,她倒是个好姑娘。
- It is a nice song and I think it will catch on quickly. 这首歌很好,我想它会很快流行起来。
- She is basically a nice girl, although she does put on a bit sometimes. 有时她确实有点装腔作势,但基本上是个好姑娘。
- She is a nice girl with archaic smiles; we really like her. 她是个非常好的姑娘,脸上总是带着大方庄重的微笑,我们都很喜欢她。
- She is a girl by nature ill-suited to a nurse. 她是一个性格不适合作护士的姑娘。
- She is a receptionist in a doctor's office. 她在一位医生的诊所中担任接待员。
- She is pretty and always wears a nice smile. 她很好看,总是面带笑容。
- She is too much of a nice Nelly to have any fun. 她太拘谨,不能享受人生。
- She is a girl by nature ill-suited to be a nurse. 她是一个性格不适合当护士的姑娘。
- If female, she is a nice girl who had rather hoped to work for Sotheby's. 如果是一名女性,她是那种不错的女孩,本来希望去苏富比拍卖行(Sotheby‘s)工作。
- Jane is a nice girl. Her fit of temper was out of character. 珍妮是个好姑娘,她那顿脾气很反常。
- She is a nurse, she is not a mailwoman. 用肯定句和否定句。例如:我是学生。
- She is a proverb for inaccuracy. 她做事马虎是出了名的。