- She hit a foul ball. 她击球犯规了。
- The batter hit a foul ball. 汤姆: 击球员打了一个界外球。
- A foul ball was easily caught by the catcher. 界外球很容易被接球手接住。
- She hit a forehand volley into the net. 她正手截击球未过网。
- She hit a ball foul. 她击球犯规了。
- hit a foul ball, in baseball. 在棒球运动中打界外球。
- She hit the ball a touch too hard. 她击球的力量大了点儿。
- Monthly sales hit a new high. She hit 40 on her last birthday. 月销售达到了一个新高潮。上次过生日时她已40岁了。
- She hit the child into many weals with a stick. 她用棍子打得孩子出了很多伤痕。
- Chamberlain had fallen behind in the count, 2-0, before Griffey lashed a foul ball down the right-field line.“I'm not going to lie,” Chamberlain said. 小张在第一局面临小葛瑞菲时,他的球数一开始是落后的(两坏球没有好球),然后小葛瑞菲把球猛力敲出了右外野的界外线外面。
- She hit the ball a touchtoo hard. 她击球的力量大了点儿。
- At last she hit upon a room that suited them nicely. 最后她找到了一间适合他们使用的房间。
- A foul ball. 界外球
- Arguably the loudest balls hit all night came in the ninth inning, when Hideki Matsui hit a foul home run to the second deck in right field, then rapped a double off the right-field wall. 可以这样认为,第九局是洋基整晚打击最响亮的时候,当松井敲出右外野第二层看台界外全垒打,之后敲出右外野墙上的二垒安打。
- The ship ran a foul of the floating seaweed. 船和漂流的海藻纠缠在一起。
- She hit her knee against the angle of the bed. 她的膝盖撞到床角上了。
- A fair face may hide a foul heart. [谚]和善的面孔,丑陋的心; 人面兽心。
- I'm afraid I hit a nerve when I mentioned her dead mother, ad she began to cry. 我提到她故世的母亲时,她便哭了起来,我怕是我触到了她的伤心处。
- The yacht hit a rock and damaged her bows. 游艇碰上了礁石,撞坏了船头。
- A foul, degraded condition or place. 污秽,可鄙的境地或场所