- She has got him taped. 她看出他是个什么人。
- He can't fool me-I've got him taped. 他休想骗我,我把他的底细摸得一清二楚。
- She has got a name for herself as a singer. 她已成为一位歌星。
- She has got lots of birthday gifts. 她得到了许多生日礼物。
- I know Jay's past; so I have got him cold. 我清楚杰伊的老底;所以他得完全听我的。
- She has got the kettle on for a cup of tea. 她已经烧上一壶水准备泡杯茶喝。
- They have got him in deep in this matter. 他们已使他深深地卷进了这件事。
- I suspect that Bob is trying unfairly to influence the outcome of the enquiry,but I've got him taped. 我怀疑鲍勃正试图用不正当的手段来影响该调查的结果,不过我已把他看透了。
- She has gotten jewels and other family heirlooms. 她得到了首饰以及其它祖传遗物。
- Smith thinks nothing is known about him, but I am told that the authorities get him taped. 史密斯以为谁也不了解他,但我听说当局已经摸清他的底细了。
- She has got much stouter and lookd very well. 她身子壮实多了,气色也很好。
- She has got such a beautiful face. 她有一张漂亮的脸。
- I suspect that Bob is trying unfairly to influence the outcome of the enquiry, but I've got him taped. 我怀疑鲍勃正试图用不正当的手段来影响该调查的结果,不过我已把他看透了。
- She has got into the groove of a nine-to-five job. 她陷入了八小工作的常规。
- Smith thinks nothing is known about him,but I am told that the authorities get him taped. 史密斯以为谁也不了解他,但我听说当局已经摸清他的底细了。
- She has got such an artificial mind. 她的头脑真奇怪到了不合常情的地步。
- She has got wrinkles around her eyes. 她的眼睛周围起皱纹了。
- She has got herself up like a duchess. 她打扮得像一位公爵夫人(贵妇人)。
- She has got up in a new costume. 她穿起一身新装。
- She has got a soft and well-paid job. 她的工作很轻松,报酬也很优厚。