- She has come to some most satisfactory solution. 她得到一个非常使人满意的解决方法。
- She has come to herself. 她已复原了,她已恢复正常。
- She has come to see the problem in a new light. 她对这问题已有新的认识。
- She has come to like rock music. 她终于喜欢摇滚乐了。
- She has come to sing his praise. 她是来赞美他的。
- She have come to see the problem in a new light. 她对这问题已有新的认识。
- She has come to Krynn, Tanis, and he has come to fight her. 她来到了克莱恩,而他就是要来阻止她。
- The great earth has come to herself from a full night's lethargic slumber! 接着便是缕缕炊烟,缭绕空际,人欢马叫,汽笛长鸣,酣睡了一夜的大地苏醒了。
- She had come to see the problem in a new light. 她对这问题已有新的认识。
- She had come to him one day in slap-dash way. 她有一天就象往常那样莽里莽撞地跑来找他。
- It struck me that she had come to borrow money. 我突然意识到她是来向我借钱的。
- She has come to apologize to me for her impoliteness. 他过来因他的无礼而向我道歉。
- Brother Ming, if she has come to a dead end,{ I won't blame on you. 兄弟明,如果她有到达一个尽头,{我在你身上将不责备。
- Overjoyed that she has come to him, Rochester asks her to become his wife. 罗切斯特见简回到他身边万分欣喜,便求她做她的妻子。
- The quiet girl has come to life since she worked as a saleswoman. 那个少言寡语的姑娘自从当上售货员后变得活跃起来。
- Overjoyed that she has come to him,Rochester asks her to become his wife. 罗切斯特见简回到他身边万分欣喜,便求她做她的妻子。
- She had come to set the table for Annixter's supper. 她前来给安尼克斯特摆晚饭桌。
- She had long shared the universal veneration for Father Madeleine,yet, by dint of repeating to herself that it was he who had discharged her, that he was the cause of her unhappiness, she came to hate him also, and most of all. 她素来是和旁人一样,尊敬马德兰伯伯的,但是,屡次想到撵她走的是他,使她受尽痛苦的也是他,她便连他也恨起来了,并且特别恨他。
- A new virtuoso has come to the fore. 已成为显赫人物的新艺术品鉴赏家
- She has owed it to herself for a long while to do some serious reading. 她早就应该认真看点书了。