- She has borne many children. 她生了好几个孩子。
- It's unbelievable how many children she has! 她竟有那么多孩子,叫人不敢相信!
- She has borne two children. Two children were borne by her. 她生了两个孩子。
- Although she would bear many children some of these offspring would be fathered by others. 虽然她会生下很多孩子,但是一些孩子却是别的男人所生。
- They found out nothing more save that she had borne a child. 他们只查明她生过一个孩子,其他情况一无所获。
- She had borne two children but they were born deaf. 她生了两个孩子,但他们生来就聋。
- She is good at vision correction, amblyopia and eyeground diseases, and has published many learned articles, and has born many prizes . 大学毕业先后在武汉第七人民医院眼科、湖北省中医药研究院眼病研究中心从事眼科临床及科研工作,曾在同济医科大学眼科中心深造,擅长屈光不正、弱视及眼底病诊治,在运用中西医结合方法治疗各种眼底病、眼科疑难杂症方面经验丰富,先后在国家、省、市级刊物上发表论文多篇。
- She has borne five children. 她生了五个孩子。
- "I want to become circumcised, and bear many children for my husband, and till the fields of his shamba, and someday be cared for by my grandchildren. “我想行割礼,想为我的丈夫生很多孩子,想为他的农场耕种,想在老了以后被子孙照顾。”
- Now Sarai, Abram's wife had borne him no children, and she had an Egyptian maid whose name was Hagar. 创16:1亚伯兰的妻子撒莱不给他生儿女.撒莱有一个使女名叫夏甲、是埃及人。
- The Nazis offered incentives to German women to bear many children and introduced the Lebensborn programme to create a master race of blond, blue-eyed children. 纳粹分子通过物质刺激,鼓励德国妇女多生孩子,并且引进“生命之源”计划,以便创造一个金发蓝眼的优等种族。
- My wife, who is of orcish descent, and I have been married happily for these past two-dozen years, and in that time she has borne me a pair of twins. 我的妻子,正是兽人的血统,我与她已经幸福度过了二十四载的光阴,在此期间,她还为我生下了一对双胞胎。
- Layla was expected, then she had born three boys. 查理是如此的爱他们,而镇上的每个人都在他的背后嘲笑他,因为这三个孩子的肤色全年都是棕黄色的。
- She has as many as seven sisters. 她的姊妹有七人之多。
- She has borne two children. 她已生了两个孩子。
- How many children did Elizabeth have by her second husband? 伊莉莎白和第二个丈夫生了多少孩子?
- She has too many irons in the fire. 她手头上揽的事情太多了。
- All these fact have borne out the hypothesis. 所有这些事实证明了假设的正确性。
- But of course it had to be. Little Shun's mother had been a frail little woman. People said she had borne seven children in thirteen years. Little Shun was the only one that remained alive. 这也是必然的,因为小顺的母亲是个瘦弱矮小的妇人,据以前我听见人家说过她嫁了十三年,生过七个小孩子,到末后却只剩下小顺一个。
- There are many children in the kindergarten. 那个幼儿园里的孩子很多。