- She has a large English vocabulary at her command. 她能灵活运用掌握的大量英语辞汇。
- She has a large family on her hands. 她有许多子女需要照顾。
- She has a large fortune. 她拥有一大笔财产。
- She has a large English vocabulary at command. 她能灵活运用掌握的大量英语辞汇。
- She has a large family to support. 她有一个大家庭要供养。
- She has a large [small] wardrobe. 她衣服 [行头] 很多[少]。
- She has a large circle of friends. 她交游很广.
- She loves to camp it up whenever she has a large audience. 每逢观众多时,她就喜欢做作。
- She has a large sum standing to her credit in the bank. 她的银行存款还有一大笔金额。
- She has a seat on/is on the board (of directors) of a large company. 她是某大公司董事会成员之一.
- She has a book full of cuttings about her film. 她有一本书贴满了关于她的一些影片的剪报。
- He has a large amount of mail to answer every day. 他每天有大量的信件要回复。
- She has a gold chain about her neck. 她在脖子的周围挂着一根金项链。
- She has a right to the property. 他享有这比财产权所有权。
- She had a large household of servants at her back and call. 她有很多佣人任她使唤。
- He has a large farm in the Mississippi Valley. 他在密西西比河流域拥有一个大农场。
- To our great amusement she had a large potpie in her box. 让大家感到非常有意思的事,她的盒子里有一个大大的厚厚的肉馅饼。
- The new leader has a large backing. 那位新领导人有大批的支持者。
- She has a foreign accent that I can't quite place. 她有外国口音,但我听不出是哪儿的口音。
- She has a good grasp of the English language. 她精通英语。