- She forced herself awake. 她强迫自己不睡。
- She forced herself to remain calm and slowed down. 她强迫自己保持镇定,放慢步伐。
- She forced herself to be polite to them. 她对他们强装客气。
- She forced herself not to shudder. 她竭力遏制自己,不打哆嗦。
- She forced herself not to shudder . 她竭力遏制自己,不打哆嗦。
- Anger and hatred seethed within her, but she forced herself to preserve the smiling face that people had always seen. 愤怒和仇恨在她血管里沸腾,但她强作笑颜,使人们看不出有何变化。
- On the first day she forced herself, was industrious, and obeyed Frau Holle, when she said something to her, because she was thinking about all the gold that she would give her. 第一天,丑姑娘心里始终惦记着作为奖赏的金子,所以强打起精神,装成很勤快的样子,而且事事都照着老太太的意愿来做。
- Kate slowed done just a tad, to a quick, but more reasonable pace. She forced herself to take several deep breaths. She had to keep calm. She knew that much. 卡蒂稍微放慢了速度,但这样的速度更加谨慎。她强迫自己做了几次深呼吸。她知道的,她必须得让自己冷静。
- She gulped back her tears, forced herself to smile! 她咽下眼泪;强作笑容.
- She looked him in the eye and forced herself to tell him the truth. 她直视着他,逼迫自己把真相告诉他。
- "She forced herself to bear up for several hours, because she's so fond of you she couldn't bear to tear herself away." "他强扎挣了半天,也是因你们娘儿两个好的上头,他才恋恋的舍不得去"
- Anger and hatred seethed within her, but she forced herself to preserve the smiling face that people had always seen 愤怒和仇恨在她血管里沸腾,但她强作笑颜,使人们看不出有何变化。
- She forced her way through the crowd of reporters. 她在记者群中挤出一条通路。
- She forced her voice despite being hoarse. 尽管嗓子已哑,她仍使劲提高嗓音
- Then she forced a smile on her face. 然后,她勉强在脸上挤出一个微笑。
- She forced her diet fads on him. 她把她的食物爱好强加于他。
- Her eyes narrowed as she forced the bag shut. 她眼睛微闭,硬是把包合上。
- She forced me to try and get on with him. 她强迫我试着和他相处。
- She forced down her upper lip as if she was afraid that to smile was not polite. 她好像生怕笑出来失礼似的,勉强把上嘴唇收扰。
- She forced her grandson to read the strange concept three times. 她催孙子把这段费解的话连续读了三遍。