- She flushed with smiles. 她含羞带笑。
- She flushed with pleasure when we complimented her. 我们赞扬她时她高兴得脸发红。
- She flushed with embarrassment. 她因不好意思而脸红。
- She flushed with anger. 她气得涨红了脸。
- She flushed with gratification. 她因喜悦而脸红了。
- She flushed with delight. 她高兴得脸上通红。
- Her goodly light with smiles she dries away. 在嫣然一笑中顿时化为云开雾散。
- His face was flushed with shame. 他的脸因羞耻而变红。
- She flushed the sink out with warm water. 她用温水把水槽冲洗干净。
- The boy was flushed with good examination results. 那男孩因考试成绩优秀而洋洋得意。
- She introduce herself with smile. 他微笑着介绍自己。
- Her face flushed with anger under the cross fire of her parents. 她在父母的交相指责下,气得满脸通红。
- She began to flush with excitement. 她由于激动脸开始发红。
- Rivers flush with the spring rains. 因春雨而上涨的河水
- She said she flushed it in her math examination. 她说她的数学没及格。
- Seeding in tears, harvesting with smile. 含泪播种的人一定能含笑收获。
- Mary flushed with pride when she received the prize. 玛丽接受奖品时,双颊因自豪而变得通红。
- Face up to life with smiles no matter what happens. 我没有看清楚,上面所说的作废,你应该在分页事件中把数据在绑定一次。
- She flushed when she couldn't answer the question. 她回答不出这个问题,脸红了。
- Beaming with smiles you are pleased with it. 你愉悦于它并笑逐颜开。